Anyone else think that COVID brought the end of gym for your gymnast?

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We start back next week (YEAH) talking with other moms there are a few on the brink I think the moms are going to push them to at least go back for a few weeks and see just to make sure its not a scared to go back kind of thing. But they are mostly middle school age which is the hard age to keep...elementary they are all in high school they made the decision middle school is where you dont know what you want it seems. This is DDs last year of elementary school so we will see what next year brings.
My daughter lost half of her team. My observations show the team Program lost about 25% across all levels. That’s a lot, our team program is quite large.

Did they really quit, or are the parents just holding off on sending them back?
Did they really quit, or are the parents just holding off on sending them back?
No, they are not coming back. Interestingly, we did gain about 25 new gymnasts (levels 2-10), but I don’t know if they will have a level 1 team this year. Those kids come from preterm and classes and are selected in May. It’s usually one of the larger teams.
Our gymnast went from being excited about the state meet (canceled), working on what she wanted in her optionals floor routine, talking about what bar and beam skills she still needed to get to be ready to compete L6, and home conditioning to telling us she wasn't going back. Our gym required us to decide, one way or another, and pay the registration fee by the end of May if we were coming back for the June 1 re-opening. Going back as a trial to see if she was really done or just off balance from being out the the gym so long was not an option. Holding off to see what's going to happen with the virus and the season was not an option. I understand that they needed to know for staffing and scheduling, but it appears she's now retired from gymnastics. I'm sad it's ending this way.
That is sad Onthebeam. Doesn’t seem like a great way to run a business either, shutting out the kids who are ready to jump back in straight away, isn’t going to help numbers in the long term.
My 12DD retired today she would have been a training L10. It was a mixture of reasons - mostly she was having exertional syncope episodes with one that warranted an ER visit earlier this week another no long the desire to continue training. Being out of gym for two and a half months sealed her choice. Her gym was amazing during the closure with providing much support via zoom workouts and daily team communication but for my kid it wasn't the same as being in person at the gym.

I do hope that maybe a year or so from now she would try xcel.
My 12DD retired today she would have been a training L10. It was a mixture of reasons - mostly she was having exertional syncope episodes with one that warranted an ER visit earlier this week another no long the desire to continue training. Being out of gym for two and a half months sealed her choice. Her gym was amazing during the closure with providing much support via zoom workouts and daily team communication but for my kid it wasn't the same as being in person at the gym.

I do hope that maybe a year or so from now she would try xcel.
It seems like your daughter seems good about her decision - so that's great. I'm sure it is bittersweet for you both but am sure she'll find another passion in this next chapter! Good luck to her!
My daughter's BFF just quit, she had top 10 offers, didn't accept any of them, went on some visits last year. Just decided she didn't want to do college gym, found other more creative interests during this time. Her mother is not a CGM in any way and seems fine with it. This kid is so insanely talented, won national titles, qualified to Liukin Cup, could have gone elite but decided she didn't want to do that early on. Had some injuries that held her out of some meets, and that probably contributed too. I think she'd have accepted an offer from my daughter's school but they were waiting on the spring results that didn't happen. It still blows me away.
At this rate, I'm starting to think coronavirus may bring the end of gymnastics to every gymnast in Michigan. Going on week 16 and absolutely no hint that our Governor will ever let our girls back in. We have so many devastated kids here right now. I don't know how much longer our gyms can even go without any income whatsoever.
At this rate, I'm starting to think coronavirus may bring the end of gymnastics to every gymnast in Michigan. Going on week 16 and absolutely no hint that our Governor will ever let our girls back in. We have so many devastated kids here right now. I don't know how much longer our gyms can even go without any income whatsoever.
Is it MI, NY and NJ that aren't back yet? I heard the MI governor also asked not to have fall high school football, very un-Big 10 of her!
Is it MI, NY and NJ that aren't back yet? I heard the MI governor also asked not to have fall high school football, very un-Big 10 of her!

Yes, but NY returns on the 6th. MI Governor announced she would like to have school individual sports in the fall but move team sports to spring. I'm sure college will be fine, she's letting the professional teams practice beginning tomorrow. It's apparently the youth sports she isn't fond of.
NJ can return July 6. But.... other things such as indoor dining have been pushed back, so who knows. Right now we are doing outdoor conditioning three times a week.
I fear that my daughter is done. She is also headed to ninth grade this fall and was supposed to be training L6 right now. Gymnastics has been her world since the first day she stepped into the gym in kindergarten. Looking back, I think she was born loving gymnastics. She started playing "gymnast" at 18 months. But the road to optionals has been long, winding, and beset with heartbreak. Her last two meets were disastrous thanks to fear issues on her flyaway and general nerves. When the gym closed, she was already worrying about how she would balance high school and gymnastics and was talking of competing Platinum instead of L6 even though this would probably mean she would never compete giants, which has always been her dream. She looks forward to her gym's Zoom sessions, but on 1.5 hours a week she's already lost a lot of conditioning. She still talks about "when I get back in the gym," but realistically that won't be for a year or more. Unless she improves her mental toughness while she's out of the gym, I just can't see her having the patience to regain her conditioning and skills after that much time away. But perhaps the rigor of high school coursework will help her develop the necessary grit. Only time will tell.
If mental toughness is an issue, I recommend pursuing a program to help with it. It makes a huge difference.
We actually let our daughter create an Instagram account shortly after lockdown began because she was convinced that all of her school and gym friends were constantly interacting there without her. (Pre-pandemic, we had a strict family-wide ban on social media.) Turns out that the kids don't really use it that much and she wasn't being left out of anything. Now she is sad because there is rarely any new content to see, and it takes too long for her dog photos to get liked.
My daughter and her friends communicate almost solely through snap chats and a little through text.
If mental toughness is an issue, I recommend pursuing a program to help with it. It makes a huge difference.

It is an issue with gym and everything else. The only program I'm aware of is the now discredited Doc Ali. Do you have any suggestions?
It is an issue with gym and everything else. The only program I'm aware of is the now discredited Doc Ali. Do you have any suggestions?
I like Dr Goldberg's program -- You can also find him on facebook (Dr. Alan Goldberg - Peak Perfomance). He always has little tidbits and articles he shares on FB. I do think he may be geared toward older athletes as opposed to young ones though (meaning he may not be geared toward say -8 olds) but I don't know anyone younger that's tried his idk. I know quite a few jr high and HS age girls have found him extremely helpful

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