Parents Anyone gone back to school in person yet?

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@Deleted member 18037 - Your 40+ posts are 25% of this thread! The OP started the thread to share what her school district is doing and to learn what others are experiencing. We all know that your area has awesomely low rates of illness. We all know that your area has ample and quick turnaround on testing. We all know how you feel about school districts that make opening decisions that are more based on emotion rather than science. And now we all know your thoughts on teacher salaries.

You have valuable input and advice here but your posts often come across as one-upmanship. Do you really need to argue with people on whether or not they collect an annual salary? Please stop. Listen more.
My son went back today. My anxiety is high right now but the plan is solid and numbers are going down in our area, though it is still above five percent positive. He goes to a private school that is able to do distancing and use some outdoor spaces. Full masking at all times with zero exceptions or excuses. Daily health screening and a thorough plan for illness. The school hired a task force of physicians and epidemiologists and infection control specialists to oversee and write the protocols. We will see how this goes. Sigh. My other two kids are doing online school this year (one plays tennis and then my other DD is a gymnast).
My son went back today. My anxiety is high right now but the plan is solid and numbers are going down in our area, though it is still above five percent positive. He goes to a private school that is able to do distancing and use some outdoor spaces. Full masking at all times with zero exceptions or excuses. Daily health screening and a thorough plan for illness. The school hired a task force of physicians and epidemiologists and infection control specialists to oversee and write the protocols. We will see how this goes. Sigh. My other two kids are doing online school this year (one plays tennis and then my other DD is a gymnast).
'Keep us posted! We are hoping that schools that are opening do not see a lot of issues so we can welcome students back in October.
'Keep us posted! We are hoping that schools that are opening do not see a lot of issues so we can welcome students back in October.

I will. I literally was awake all last night worrying that we were making a huge mistake by sending him back, but it’s his junior year and his school did the legwork and has the big stick to ensure compliance. This is in stark opposition to my youngest DD’s school (also private and small) that went back with packed tiny classrooms, and not enforcing masks. They even posted pictures on FB of kids shoulder to shoulder inside with no maskS or mitigation of any kind. I was horrified and so thankful we chose full online for her after reviewing their plan. Big difference between the two- the most glaring is that this school let a particular parent with zero medical training g or knowledge write the protocols because she was head of the PTA. That is a hot mess In the making. Sigh.
@Deleted member 18037 - Your 40+ posts are 25% of this thread! The OP started the thread to share what her school district is doing and to learn what others are experiencing. We all know that your area has awesomely low rates of illness. We all know that your area has ample and quick turnaround on testing. We all know how you feel about school districts that make opening decisions that are more based on emotion rather than science. And now we all know your thoughts on teacher salaries.

You have valuable input and advice here but your posts often come across as one-upmanship. Do you really need to argue with people on whether or not they collect an annual salary? Please stop. Listen more.
And when asked a question, like here I’m just not supposed respond?

I have no desire to recount the 9 pages of work you did. How many of responses were because I was quoted and/or a question came up related to one of my posts.

Threads wander and side conversations come up, this is very typical of forums In general, not just CB.
My son's school district will start the year online. Based on our county caseload, the education model suggested by the state is hybrid - some form of in person instruction for elementary students and remote learning for middle and high school. Our district opted 100% for remote though because too many of the schools in the district don't have AC/proper ventilation or the space to socially distance. Also, teachers preferred remote learning. My daughter's college reversed course this week and announced they will be remote.
'Keep us posted! We are hoping that schools that are opening do not see a lot of issues so we can welcome students back in October.

That is our district plan as if now- online until mid Oct then some kind of hybrid plan after that.
Unfortunately we live in a town with 2 universities and the students are coming back- mandatory testing to move into the dorms in addition with reports of large parties and groups of students hanging out, we have had a ‘surge’ in cases in the college age range. Hopefully things slow down within this next month so it doesn’t effect the local public schools reopening.
So, our school has officially decided to start the year off with hybrid for those who don't opt for the digital academy. They changed to hybrid from full go due to more discussions with the county health department. So we will be 2 days in and 3 days out in an "AAWBB" plan. They are going to make sure siblings are on the same day. Bus seats will be 1 student per seat with everyone masked. The governor has apparently decided that face shields won't be allowed, so those students who can't wear masks are SOL. They did extend the deadline to apply for the Digital Academy until August 24 in case that changes anything for a family.
Since school starts September 8, the first week, the Monday-Tuesday students will go Tuesday-Wednesday instead. I have a feeling that the Wednesdays will be utilized whenever there is a scheduled day off on the Friday or Monday (and to replace election day if they are still hybrid) until we are 100% in school. They won't re-evaluate until October 5.
Of course, those students who NEED to be in school more than 2 days a week will be.
OG has officially moved into her college dorm on Sunday. They don't have to wear masks in their room, but everywhere else, it's masks unless eating or drinking. In their room, they are supposed to socially distance from each other. They even had a set of diagrams for the students to choose how to set up their rooms that would encourage social distancing. They are bringing students in in phases.
"While students will return to campus in four phases, ALL classes still begin the week of Aug. 24. During the phase-in, some classes — including select first-year courses and courses with significant lab or experiential components that cannot easily be replicated online — will meet in person or in a blended format; all other courses will begin the semester online. The final phase of students will return by Sept. 13. Beginning Monday, Sept. 14, all courses will return to their original intended mode; a number of courses that are starting online will return to in-person or blended formats."
OG has officially moved into her college dorm on Sunday. They don't have to wear masks in their room, but everywhere else, it's masks unless eating or drinking. In their room, they are supposed to socially distance from each other. They even had a set of diagrams for the students to choose how to set up their rooms that would encourage social distancing. They are bringing students in in phases.
"While students will return to campus in four phases, ALL classes still begin the week of Aug. 24. During the phase-in, some classes — including select first-year courses and courses with significant lab or experiential components that cannot easily be replicated online — will meet in person or in a blended format; all other courses will begin the semester online. The final phase of students will return by Sept. 13. Beginning Monday, Sept. 14, all courses will return to their original intended mode; a number of courses that are starting online will return to in-person or blended formats."

Congrats to OG! This is pretty much the same plan that my DDs school was going to do too before they decided against having students on campus. They were also going to test students and not allow roommates to move in until each had a negative test. Were you allowed to help her move in? DDs school was going to limit kids to 2 suitcases/bags and a backpack. Parents weren't going to be allowed in dorms so they had to pack what they can carry in one trip.
I have no desire to recount the 9 pages of work you did. How many of responses were because I was quoted and/or a question came up related to one of my posts.

By my quick count (while up early feeding a baby), 25 of your 45 posts were (at least tangentially) in response to someone quoting you. Twenty were not. Many of those 25 were not in response to a question asked of you, but were a reaction to something you didn’t agree with, or someone who didn’t agree with you, or something happening in another person’s area that you felt needed to hear how things were going in the totally unrelated area of NY.

When multiple people are telling you that you are offending people, and that your message isn’t coming across clearly, it might be a good idea to listen. It would also be good to use the words “than” and “have” where appropriate - they are different than “then” and “of”.
And my contract says a certain number of days. taht is what i am paid for. I do not get a 12 week paid vacation.

Thank you for your hard work as a teacher! I’m curious about something...if a teacher has elected to spread their salary over 12 payments, and in May decides not to return to that position in August, would they receive the pay they were planning on during the summer still? I would hope so, since that would be for services already rendered!
Thank you for your hard work as a teacher! I’m curious about something...if a teacher has elected to spread their salary over 12 payments, and in May decides not to return to that position in August, would they receive the pay they were planning on during the summer still? I would hope so, since that would be for services already rendered!

Yes they do. Once you sign the contract, you are paid out the entire contract, unless you don't finish the required days (most contracts are # of days in my district.)
@Deleted member 18037 - Your 40+ posts are 25% of this thread! The OP started the thread to share what her school district is doing and to learn what others are experiencing. We all know that your area has awesomely low rates of illness. We all know that your area has ample and quick turnaround on testing. We all know how you feel about school districts that make opening decisions that are more based on emotion rather than science. And now we all know your thoughts on teacher salaries.

You have valuable input and advice here but your posts often come across as one-upmanship. Do you really need to argue with people on whether or not they collect an annual salary? Please stop. Listen more.
Congrats to OG! This is pretty much the same plan that my DDs school was going to do too before they decided against having students on campus. They were also going to test students and not allow roommates to move in until each had a negative test. Were you allowed to help her move in? DDs school was going to limit kids to 2 suitcases/bags and a backpack. Parents weren't going to be allowed in dorms so they had to pack what they can carry in one trip.
As long as they were wearing masks, since OG was in the 2nd group phased in (RAs and Scholarship athletes for Fall sports were phase 1), they were still allowing families to help. I didn't go (4th floor, no elevator, and no AC - no thank you), but her dad and stepmom, my sister, her older sister and her husband and their 2 little ones, and her half-brother all went to help her move in, so 8 people in all. They had to sign up for specific move-in times too. You had to be completely moved in during your 2 hour time frame ... and by the end of the 2nd hour, everyone else had to leave. Her roommate was moving in the next day while OG was back home to work her job, lol. They didn't actually meet until Tuesday night.
CuriousCate, your kids went back this week, right? How is it going?

Hey! Thanks for asking! Sorry for the delay in my reply! So yeah, my kids have gone for 6 in person days and 2 virtual days thus far. Seems to be going okay - masks on at all times and kids actually seem to be complying well. I would say that socially it is pretty talking at lunch since masks are off. Masks are on during recess and can't use playground equipment. I'm just grateful they are getting to go in person given what a horrible job my husband and I did with virtual last year.

So far one covid + kid whose parents had kept him home anyway and now one covid + teacher. I'm praying we are able to stay open long term!!
My kids are both back in person- junior & senior - 2 different schools - masks all of the time - one way hallways - desks spaced out - lunch is only 2 kids/table - one school added outside tents for lunch & one is using the gym bleacher. So far, so good - my kids are just glad to be back.
Mine ( 10 and 13) are back too, since Two days. Unfortunately, there is a rise un cases. Not related to back to school tought ( 50 cases from a karaoke bar...).

So far so good, but Im pretty sure they will go online shortly.....

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