What do you mean? I ONLY get paid for 9 months. I have a contract that states my contracted salary, my weekly pay, and my hourly wage. So, I do only get paid for 75% of the year. I do NOT get 12 weeks of paid vacation. You can call it an annual salary, but I do only get paid for 9 of 12 months......
ANd the original question was:
SO the answer is....TEachers are NOT paid for summer vacation although we can elect to spread it out (that is not the default). And YES, we only get 9 months of pay.
So you are unemployed over the summer. Kind of like a seasonal worker.
Perhaps your individual is different from the ones I am familiar with?
Do apply for and collect unemployment?
Do you have to reapply for your job or be reinstated in any way?
And do you have to reapply for your job at the beginning of the school year?
If you have the option to be paid over 12 months your salary is an annual salary. Annual meaning year.,
There is a difference between a true contract employee and employees who are union members with a union negotiated contract for its members.
In my profession, some labs I have worked in have been union with contracts. Some non union making me an at will employee.
Again, many teacher acquaintance, friends.... I have 6 (yes 6 SILs) who are teachers. They get an annual salary. Depending on their district and negotiated contract that annual salary can be paid.based on the school calendar or 12 months. Some even can take their summer pay in a lump sum. I have a couple friends/SIL choose that option to pay for their summer beach rentals.
They also have in their contracts times they “must“ be in the building. So example in our distric, the elementary school teachers must be in the building on school days 8:30-3:30. student hours are 9-3. They are welcome to come in early or stay late, but they can not be forced to be there outside their contract hours.
So for things like open house that requires them to be at school in the evening or parent teacher conferences, that is negotiated in their contract and those hours are accounted for elsewhere..
I have one SIL (she teaches in our district) who like to keep work at work.She gets in the building earlier then required and does no prep, planning, grading etc... at home. Other teachers might choose to stay later. so e would rather be in building as little as possible and do their grading while at their kids soccer practice.
And then there are some who won’t give one minute beyond those contracted hours. We had an issue at our elementary school. The 4th grade class trip has always been the Statue of Liberty/Ellis Island. I have a 26 yr old, really as far back as I can rember this has been a thing (ecception closed due to 9/11).
The year my kid was in 5th grade the trip was in danger of being canceled. The rule is the whole grade does the trip or no trip. It’s a long day. You at school at 7am to board buses, not back at school Until 6pm. That year a couple of newto 4th grade teachers, would not go on the trip. Why? Because their contact says they only have to work 8:30-3:30. So they had no intention of going.so if they weren’t none of the 4th grade was. Thankfully my daughters 5 th grade teacher and her friend (Also 5th grade). Swapped classes for the day. The only work what my contract says teachers took their classes for the day and the 5th grade teachers did the trip. This is a true story. You can’t make this up.
There are hours and days you are contractEd to be in the building and then there is their salary which is annual.