Parents Anyone gone back to school in person yet?

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I know that is so frustrating. I am sure there is a reason. I hope they get back with more information.
The reason is teachers unions. There is actuallyno sound reason. I watched their presentation tonight. They changed nothing except pushing back the date. Nothing added. Oh but there was a news story today about how the teachers union says they can't go back.

This was never about 0 cases. It was about controlling outbreaks. If 0 cases are the expectation the kids are never going back.

At this point, I seriously respect any one who wants to stay home. But for those who want out. Give us a waiver and lets move on.

0.8% positive rate.
The reason is teachers unions. There is actuallyno sound reason. I watched their presentation tonight. They changed nothing except pushing back the date. Nothing added. Oh but there was a news story today about how the teachers union says they can't go back.

This was never about 0 cases. It was about controlling outbreaks. If 0 cases are the expectation the kids are never going back.

At this point, I seriously respect any one who wants to stay home. But for those who want out. Give us a waiver and lets move on.

0.8% positive rate.

I hear you. I really do. BUt we were supposed to start today. But it was pushed back. We still do not have the necessary PPE or cleaning supplies to sustain people in the building for long. Hopefully we will by the end of this week. There are a lot of factors that go into this, and no, not about 0 cases. But, I can understand both sides.
I hear you. I really do. BUt we were supposed to start today. But it was pushed back. We still do not have the necessary PPE or cleaning supplies to sustain people in the building for long. Hopefully we will by the end of this week. There are a lot of factors that go into this, and no, not about 0 cases. But, I can understand both sides.
We have plenty of PPE and the ability to clean. We are in a state doing crazy amount of testing and plenty of access. Again our 5 day rolling infection rat 0.8 %. This is no longer about science and data. Clearly it never was.
We have plenty of PPE and the ability to clean. We are in a state doing crazy amount of testing and plenty of access. Again our 5 day rolling infection rat 0.8 %. This is no longer about science and data. Clearly it never was.

Just curious, but you know these facts about your school? I know what it was going to look like for us, and they thought they had enough until we walked through our days. I get that you are angry. It is so tough right now. There is a lot to look at, that could be more than just the 5 day rolling infection rate. Good luck!
Just curious, but you know these facts about your school? I know what it was going to look like for us, and they thought they had enough until we walked through our days. I get that you are angry. It is so tough right now. There is a lot to look at, that could be more than just the 5 day rolling infection rate. Good luck!
I do. My husband was on the board for over a decade.We are a put your money where you mouth is. So rather then just complain, we get involved. His term ended in July (he didn't feel he could give it the attention it deserved with his current job). But we are very involved still.

Thanks for the good wishes. Personally, I'll be happy to eat my words but I don't see school in any meaningful way this year.
I do. My husband was on the board for over a decade.We are a put your money where you mouth is. So rather then just complain, we get involved. His term ended in July (he didn't feel he could give it the attention it deserved with his current job). But we are very involved still.

Thanks for the good wishes. Personally, I'll be happy to eat my words but I don't see school in any meaningful way this year.

I guess, as a teacher, I have a different viewpoint. And my kids keep saying to me that it will be great. BUt they know they get from it what they put in it. They are both very positive and optimistic that they will get what they need. I am so glad they are that way.

And as a teacher, I know that the teachers I work wtih will be working hard to do everything they can for each student. ANd 95% of educators will. But I cannot make kids come to class, or do the work. I can only teach it in as many ways as I can as many times as I can.
I guess, as a teacher, I have a different viewpoint. And my kids keep saying to me that it will be great. BUt they know they get from it what they put in it. They are both very positive and optimistic that they will get what they need. I am so glad they are that way.

And as a teacher, I know that the teachers I work wtih will be working hard to do everything they can for each student. ANd 95% of educators will. But I cannot make kids come to class, or do the work. I can only teach it in as many ways as I can as many times as I can.
My kid has had many a rock start teacher (and worth their weight in gold) my experience with 2 kids (plus my experience as a student way back) is those rock stars are the exception not the rule. My kid had 8 teachers last quarter. 1 rock star, 1 OK. The rest not so much.

I should let you know the average teacher salary in our district is close to 90K a year. There are areas more like 125-150K

I also understand it is not fair to expect teachers to do remote and in person and do them both well. They can't. It would be like saying to the art teacher, hey this year you are teaching AP Physics.... Yes ridiculous.

Parents should be given the option of using an established online program. Not whatever substandard public school option they are coming up with in a few weeks.

This is a hot mess
My kid has had many a rock start teacher (and worth their weight in gold) my experience with 2 kids (plus my experience as a student way back) is those rock stars are the exception not the rule. My kid had 8 teachers last quarter. 1 rock star, 1 OK. The rest not so much.

I should let you know the average teacher salary in our district is close to 90K a year.

I also understand it is not fair to expect teachers to do remote and in person and do them both well. They can't. It would be like saying to the art teacher, hey this year you are teaching AP Physics.... Yes ridiculous.

Parents should be given the option of using an established online program. Not whatever substandard public school option they are coming up with in a few weeks.

I have to be honest. Some of the things you say are personally hurtful, although probably not meant to be. I am one of those teachers working my butt off (all summer, mind you, with no pay), to come up with what you are calling a "substandard public school option". THat is not at all what is going on. ANd I am sorry that the majority of your teachers that you have interacted with have been so horrible. I guess, as a mom of 2, and as a teacher, I have not run into that at all. In fact, with my kids (one is a junior in college, and one is a senior in high school) I can count on one had the number of teachers we struggled with. But most of the time, others loved that teacher.

And, in our poorly funded district in one of the worst funded states, the parents leaving to online programs will decimate our district. Schools will close. Class sizes will increase. Funding will get worse. And it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. We have already lost 1 teacher (cuts, not by choice). and more could be coming.
I have to be honest. Some of the things you say are personally hurtful, although probably not meant to be.
No not personal. Really I’m sure you are going over and above. Again rock star teachers are way under valued and under paid
My kids algebra teacher was a rock star

Her social studies teacher. Left a message betwen 7-7:30 do the work in this folder email me with questions. Full salary for that.

I watched teachers in my district posting FB videos with doing stuff with their own kids when they were supposed to be teaching. And I get to see all the fiction they are reading this summer. Seeing their trips and adventures.

Many are not working like you are.
I have to be honest. Some of the things you say are personally hurtful, although probably not meant to be. I am one of those teachers working my butt off (all summer, mind you, with no pay), to come up with what you are calling a "substandard public school option". THat is not at all what is going on. ANd I am sorry that the majority of your teachers that you have interacted with have been so horrible. I guess, as a mom of 2, and as a teacher, I have not run into that at all. In fact, with my kids (one is a junior in college, and one is a senior in high school) I can count on one had the number of teachers we struggled with. But most of the time, others loved that teacher.

I too can count on one hand the number of teachers I would call “not ok”, that’s total, 2 kids going K-12 in the same school district. Someone saying 3/4’s of their kids teachers are not ok says more about them than the teachers.
No not personal. Really I’m sure you are going over and above. Again rock star teachers are way under valued and under paid
My kids algebra teacher was a rock star

Her social studies teacher. Left a message betwen 7-7:30 do the work in this folder email me with questions. Full salary for that.

I watched teachers in my district posting FB videos with doing stuff with their own kids when they were supposed to be teaching. And I get to see all the fiction they are reading this summer. Seeing their trips and adventures.

Many are not working like you are.
God forbid a teacher read a book for fun.
No not personal. Really I’m sure you are going over and above. Again rock star teachers are way under valued and under paid
My kids algebra teacher was a rock star

Her social studies teacher. Left a message betwen 7-7:30 do the work in this folder email me with questions. Full salary for that.

I watched teachers in my district posting FB videos with doing stuff with their own kids when they were supposed to be teaching. And I get to see all the fiction they are reading this summer. Seeing their trips and adventures.

Many are not working like you are.

Yet...most frequently...all are lumped together. "Those teachers' unions" "substandard education" Those phrases are negative to all.
I too can count on one hand the number of teachers I would call “not ok”, that’s total, 2 kids going K-12 in the same school district. Someone saying 3/4’s of their kids teachers are not ok says more about them than the teachers.
Based on what

Many teachers are not prepared for remote teaching. It’s a different skill set.,
I have to be honest. Some of the things you say are personally hurtful, although probably not meant to be. I am one of those teachers working my butt off (all summer, mind you, with no pay), to come up with what you are calling a "substandard public school option". THat is not at all what is going on. ANd I am sorry that the majority of your teachers that you have interacted with have been so horrible. I guess, as a mom of 2, and as a teacher, I have not run into that at all. In fact, with my kids (one is a junior in college, and one is a senior in high school) I can count on one had the number of teachers we struggled with. But most of the time, others loved that teacher.

And, in our poorly funded district in one of the worst funded states, the parents leaving to online programs will decimate our district. Schools will close. Class sizes will increase. Funding will get worse. And it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. We have already lost 1 teacher (cuts, not by choice). and more could be coming.

Agreed. I also worked all summer for no pay. With assignments and online instruction, teachers are being told, give grace, this is a pandemic. And we will. Too bad no one gives teachers grace or even credit for what we do. I can tell you my husband has never worked all summer for free. Off soapbox.
My kids are in lower grades and our teachers were very engaged and responsive. I could send a message by email or through the preferred app and have a response in under 30min even if I messaged in the evening about something non-urgent.

Fast forward to this year, teachers are expected to teach both in person and virtually. There is also a new LMS platform for everyone to learn and teachers are doing both in person and virtual meet and greets, etc

For MS and HS, I have a nephew in MS and there was not the same engagement from the teachers, especially from all 8. I could see it challenging for a band director or some of the elective type teachers back in the Spring on short notice. From what I am hearing teachers are working 12-14 hour days and had those types of days in the Spring as well. I agree with other posters that it would be difficult to do both in person and virtual well.
Everything “substandard” that is happening in our district is the fault of the school board and district administration, not teachers. It was district leadership that decided that there would only be one-size-fits-all paper packets, one for each grade and subject, in the spring, and teachers could not prepare their own lessons or teach new material. It is district leadership that decided to stand up a brand-new, entirely separate on-line school instead of offering on-line instruction through existing schools. It is district leadership that has assigned some teachers to grade levels and subjects they haven’t taught in years, with virtually no prep time, and has left most in limbo with no idea where they will be assigned less than three weeks before school begins. It was district leadership that decided to spend a federal grant on laptops for all students (even those who already have their own, because they only want the kids on devices that they can lock down) instead of PPE, cleaning supplies, and additional staff. It is district leadership that still hasn’t trained any teachers on distance learning. It is district leadership that refuses to formulate any plan for addressing new cases of the virus in the in-person program. It is district leadership that decided to cut advanced courses. It was district leadership that applied for a variance from the state’s meager three-foot physical distancing requirement.

Teachers were not involved in any of this. They are being left to pick up the pieces.

We are in a right-to-work state, so the teachers’ union is powerless.
Not to take this off topic, but are US teachers not paid during Summer vacation???

They only get 9 months of pay?
Not to take this off topic, but are US teachers not paid during Summer vacation???

They only get 9 months of pay?
Puma has a yearly salary, so we can pick to get 21 or 26 checks a year. He also has been working TONS of hours this summer trying to figure this all out. We are fortunate to live in an area with a relatively low cost of living, but 22 years into teaching he is nowhere near 6 figures.
And my district just pushed back a sound hybrid plan a month

This must be really frustrating! I’m sorry! Parents must be scrambling...I feel awful for those with young kids and/or who both work full time. This is definitely not ideal for anyone.
My kid had 8 teachers last quarter. 1 rock star, 1 OK. The rest not so much.

And I’m sorry for this too! You’ll have to come Upstate, we have a much higher rockstar % I swear! Lol:p

Hang in there!
Not to take this off topic, but are US teachers not paid during Summer vacation???

They only get 9 months of pay?

We are paid for 9 months, but can elect to spread that out over 12 months so that we are paid the same each month. In my district, my contract is for the 9 months, but I get 12 pay checks.

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