Parents Argh! Just found out that....

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Feb 26, 2007
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Just found out that Bigger Bogs first meet is on Dec 19. This is the first time ever that our school stream will compete before xmas as most of the girls do not train for the 3 summer months.

She has not tumbled or vaulted since July due to an achilles injury at camp and she is still off gym with H1N1. Her floor routine is unfinished and I don't know when she'll be back in the gym.

They only do three meets to qualify for provincials and they take the top 4 girls from each level and age group.

I usually like surprises, but this one is not working for me! Need the healing, healthy and learning quick fairies!

Rant over.:D
Oh no,that is pretty early and so close to the Holidays too.Sending lots of healing fairies.
We do have a meet in December too.It is just a mock meet though.
Aaargghhh! I hate it when the stars don't align :rolleyes: - you know, sometimes just when we think things aren't going their way - they surprise us :)! And sometimes I think that the time off actually works to their advantage.

That is no fun. Surprises are supposed to be good. :( Sending lots of healing vibes and routine/skill fairies for Bigger Bog. Hope it turns out to be a good surprise.
Sending the healing fairy your way, I think we are ok without her for now. Other fairies on their way too !!

I agree surprises are supposed to be good, not stress you out !!

I'll say some prayers for her.
Yikes! Praying she heals well and fast and gets those routines competition ready in no time!
YIKES!! Well I am not sending you the beam fairy since rumor is she is out with H1N1 too!! How about the fast healing fairies that Beetle used for her ankle injury.
lots of healing fairies and learning fairies coming bigger bog's way. She will do great I know it:)
That's a tough one! Tell her to do the best she can, that's all you can ask from her!!! Good luck...
Oh I have no expectations of her, I am amazed that she wants to do the meet with all that she is dealing with. What I hope is that she can feel ready enough to feel satisfied with the experience.
I'm sending healing :nurse: and routine fairies her way! :wizard: Just take it one day at a time and don't rush into anything. She wouldn't want to aggrevate the injury further or get sick again. I hope she's feeling better soon!
Yikes, that was some surprise! Sending lots of getter better fairies to Canada! I bet she surprises you mom! These gymmies are amazing! Good luck to your DD!
Rant over.:D
Which ALL of your other rantings were so easy. :p

Yeah, you have a month. I think boggette will do fine. It's mama bog that has to calm down.

Assuming the H1N1 is gone in a couple of days, I think she should easily have 3-4 weeks of practice before the meet. No more injury. Finish her floor in one session. You're all good. Just tell her to take it easy.
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Yeesh, spent yesterday at the ER with her. She is so dizzy she can't walk straight and still has abdominal pain. Blood tests, followed by more blood tests. If she isn't better by Thursday we'll be off to the big city to visit the childrens hosptial.

RIght now the gymnastics is the least of out problem.

Thanks for the good wishes. She'll compete if she's well, otherwise she'll do what she can do.
RIght now the gymnastics is the least of out problem.

Thanks for the good wishes. She'll compete if she's well, otherwise she'll do what she can do.
Yeah, I hear ya. I was assuming that the flu was on its way out. H1N1 just came through our area about 2-3 weeks ago. In a week or so, nearly most classes went from full to empty in most of the school. It wasn't so much of H1N1 that I was afraid of. It was how fast and hard it hit our area. Luckily, our own kids weren't infected (at least reacted to it) because I heard that it was a pretty brutal few days. But, the wave came and went, and nearly all kids are back in classes now.

I wish the best for your child. You're right, gymnastics should be the least of your worries (as it would be for me). Nonetheless, you still need to stay positive. And, there is still a good chance she can get ready for the meet.
Oh, Bog, I hope she's okay. Please keep us posted if you can. I'll keep her in my thoughts.
Sending all the healing and get well fairies from Md (plus some)!!!!
:jump: :goodvibes: :pray: :wizard: :nurse: :doctor: :grouphug:
Don't worry too much about the meet--I am sure she can bounce back in no time and still pull a great meet out of her. She is a Bog, after all!! ;)
Hoping she's feeling better soon! There's nothing worse than an ill child you cannot help.

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