Parents Argh! Just found out that....

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I sure hope it all checks out ok! That is a stinky virus. Our coaches baby just had it. Scary. Sending more feel better fairies your way. We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers!
I hope bigger bog is feeling better today.Sending some get better quickly fairies her way!!!
I am so behind in posting, just wanted to send well wishes your way! I hope she is feeling better soon. It's awful when our kiddos get sick, hang in there!!
She's still a bit iffy. I see us spending the day in emerge tomorrow. Her Ped is working in another ER and I cannot get an appointment to see any other ped. I have her blood test results, so that should speed it up a little bit.
Oh dear Bog, I sure hope she feels better. I feel awful that she is so sick. Please let us know how she is doing.
I don't understand the system there all that much but I do find it very interesting. I mainly just wanted to send well wishes Bigger Bog's way. Tht H1N1 can be a feisty booger. Pixie has had it twice. Here's hoping she recovers soon and can get back in the gym and get ready for the meet!

Get well fairy is heading your way :D

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Aw that's one cute fairy!

The medical system here is great as anyone who is sick will get the health care they need without insurance.

But, and this is a great big BUT, it is very hard to find a primary health care provider. Our ped, who is a very good friend, only works 10 days a month as a ped as then he reaches his earnings ceiling imposed by the Quebec government. HeaQuebec has to work x number of hours per month in an ER. THis means that when your child, or you, are sick you have to go to walk in clinics and see whatever doctor is there for the day or if tests will be needed you go to the emergency room.

When I want to see my own doctor I have to call on the 20th of any month to get an appointment in two months time. We wait on average 8 months for surgery and 6 months for an MRI. My own docotor agreed to take me as a patient as I was very healthy and as long as I wasn't going to bring my 3 kids to her as she was already over her limit.

When Dr's qualify in Quebec they have to agree to work way up North for a two years (inuit communities) or take huge pay cuts as so few medical staff want to work there.

I am lucky as I can email the ped, also my sister and bro in law are both doctors (though they have both moved our of Quebec as doctors are not allowed to earn a lot here) and I can ask them most thing. Hubby is also a dentisit so he can prescribe drugs which mean we can avoid some visits.

In a country as vast as Canada with a relatively small population very spread apart it is very difficult to provide excellent health care to all. I accept this is the way it is as at least I know anyone can get care, but it would be nice to be able to make an appointment for my sick child.
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Miracle of miracles she has decided she is feeling fine and is doing homework and planning to be in school tomorrow.

THanks for all the good wishes, we all know that they help.
I am so happy Bog!!! Glad she is better finally.
When I want to see my own doctor I have to call on the 20th of any month to get an appointment in two months time. We wait on average 8 months for surgery and 6 months for an MRI. My own docotor agreed to take me as a patient as I was very healthy and as long as I wasn't going to bring my 3 kids to her as she was already over her limit.

Bog: You have made me very grateful for my Family doc! I can call most days by 10:30 am and have an appointment the very same day! Granted I may wait for a couple of hours after my appointment time but still it is a same day appt with my DR. Who needs an appt in 2 months time? Sounds crazy to me! I feel kind of spoiled!

Myself, hubby and all my kids have the same Dr. with the exception of the children we foster. We do have a longer wait for specialists appts but urgent issues get bumped up. We are also fortunate to be so close to London and Toronto as they have excellent health care available if needed.

I love our health care system in Canada! No complaints here! So glad to here that she's feeling better and back to school!
We often joke that it would be faster for me to fly back to the UK and see my family doctor there, than it is to wait here. I know things are way better in Ontario, but here in Rural Quebec it pathetic.

Our very small town is working towards opening a health co operative to bring health care in, I am so hoping it takes off.
I happen to know that the beam fairy is feeling much better these days! So I am sending her and all healing and learning quick fairies as well. Don't stress too much! I don't generally like surprises like that either and so close to the holiday! The kind of suprises I like are when you reach into your coat pocket for the first time this winter and find a $20.00 bill in there! Now that I can handle !! hehe

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