I'm a little scared to wade in here because I'm afraid this thread is going to go south but in the name of living recklessly..... LOL
I'm a big believer in each family doing what is best for their situation. I am at the gym a lot. I watch some. As my daughter is maturing, I leave more but am still the mom who is there the most. However, I also work 3 to 4 days at the gym in the office and am a booster club officer. There is really only about one day a week that I'm not there in some sort of "official" capacity. On that one day, sometimes I stay, sometimes I don't.
DD prefers me being there. We are very close (single mom/only child) and she likes to sit with me during break and tell me about her school day. Given how little time we spend together during the week, this can be a time of the most deliberate conversation we have until the weekend. When I don't stay, she tells me it makes her sad. I encourage her to sit with her teammates but they are teenagers and a ten year old just doesn't care about boys in that way yet. I have heard some people on this board make comments about it being unhealthy for kids to be that close to their parents. While I respect their right to hold that opinion, I have to think of some pretty extreme circumstances for that to be true.
In the past, my daughter had some health issues that could have caused social embarrassment. This, and our commute, is what started my pattern of staying. I've built a nice carpool circle over the years with some of the other families who share my hometown so the commute is no longer much of an issue. Her health issue has mostly resolved itself so now, I mostly stay because of my responsibilities and my desire to spend time with my beautiful child.
That being said, I don't coach the kid. If I tried, she would suck! I'd be all like "point your elbow and flex your eyebrows"! I don't pretend that my five years riding the lobby bench instills ANY expertise or even practical knowledge. I like to listen sometimes and watch sometimes because I find the sport fascinating and I just like to know things. I'll help my daughter with her flexibility and at home conditioning WHEN SHE ASKS and with ballet because I do know about dance. However, if she doesn't ask, I don't offer and if she tells me her coach says something different, I tell her to definitely listen to her coach! And I want to reiterate, this is only when she requests. She knows what home assignments she has been given and has been told why she has the assignments. But I don't nag her (or even remind her). She owns it and if she chooses not to do it, she only answers to her coach, not her mom.