Anon Athletes with cecostomy tubes

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Anonymous (7591)

So my daughter (8) will be having a cecostomy tube put in next week.

Drs have said that she will be able to still do gymnastics with a wrap around her abdomen to make sure nothing gets bumped.
Has anyone have any advice?

This will be with her for at least the next year! Her biggest concern is bars.
What are her concerns exactly?
What level is she, what skills is she doing?

If she's doing hip circles, she may want to make sure to really keep pushing on the bar and make sure it's a hip circle, not a tummy circle.
If shes doing kips, I think a similar concern: a good kip doesn't end with the bar slamming into the lower abdomen, but a bad one does.
I would very much discuss this with the coach also.
She is finishing up AAU LEVEL 3 at Nationals and training level 4. This will be new to us so anything I need to watch out for, dos and dings, or need to know!
You could look into something like Stoma Shield or StomaDome. They're usually for people with ostomies, but should be usable for your purpose. Some of them have children's sizing.
Good luck.
Will she be able to switch it to a button at some point? Button would have a smaller profile making it easier to cover fully. Regardless, as long as the area is well padded, she should be fine for bars. They have padded binders for g-sites but I am not sure about c-sites as it is much lower and may interfere with movement of the the hips/legs
Will she be able to switch it to a button at some point? Button would have a smaller profile making it easier to cover fully. Regardless, as long as the area is well padded, she should be fine for bars. They have padded binders for g-sites but I am not sure about c-sites as it is much lower and may interfere with movement of the the hips/legs
She got it today and it is just a button!
I have absolutely nothing to add about this but I hope your daughter is relieved it's in and I hope it is successful in fixing her ailment.

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