WAG Atlanta Crown Weather trouble?

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Proud Parent
Oct 25, 2013
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The Atlanta crown is scheduled for this weekend amidst the threat of 1-3 inches of snow occurring on Saturday. Anyone who is from this area remembers "snowmageddon" Atlanta is just not that good at snow management.

Anyone planning on competing or attending?
We are planning on competing. Some coaches from surrounding states have posted that they too are still planning on attending. I'm hopeful there won't be any travel issues. BUT if the forecast is correct there will be problems unless the DOT pretreats the roads tonight. Once the snow is on the roads there is very little equipment to treat it or scrape it. And only a few people have any idea how to drive in snow, not to mention all the rear will drive only cars and trucks (spinouts everywhere!)
I've heard the area shuts down with a storm like this, which is crazy. Safe travels to all heading there.
Just laughing at the fact that 1-3 inches is scary to people down there...I know, they aren't used to it. Hope the snow stays away and everyone makes it safely to the meet.
The issue is more that they don't have enough of the necessary snow removal equipment to keep all the roads clear and safe. It doesn't make financial sense to do so and only use it once every few years. We are supposed to be going, but I'm sort of nervous about what we may be driving into....
We had a snowstorm a few weeks ago and the roads were rather treacherous. Of course DD had the early morning slot. On the way to the meet I joked to DH that the only people on the roads were families heading to gymnastics, swimming, basketball or hockey.

Safe travels to all!!
It's been pretty warm in the southeast up until now so the roads shouldn't be too bad especially if they have the pretreatment down. We live 3 hours away and the department of transportation is already pre-treating the interstate and will move on to the main roads later. Hope that everyone has safe travels this weekend! Give yourselves plenty of time to get there though. Traffic around greater Atlanta can be challenging and slow even on a clear weekend day!
It's been pretty warm in the southeast up until now so the roads shouldn't be too bad especially if they have the pretreatment down. We live 3 hours away and the department of transportation is already pre-treating the interstate and will move on to the main roads later. Hope that everyone has safe travels this weekend! Give yourselves plenty of time to get there though. Traffic around greater Atlanta can be challenging and slow even on a clear weekend day!
Ain't that the truth. I drove around Atlanta on a late Saturday afternoon in summer on my way to South Carolina only to find myself in gridlock!
Just laughing at the fact that 1-3 inches is scary to people down there...I know, they aren't used to it. Hope the snow stays away and everyone makes it safely to the meet.
Lol, I am thinking back to a meet we had in Cincinnati, Ohio a couple years ago. Between the time we arrived at our hotel Friday night (around 8pm) and the next morning, there was over 8 inches of snow on our car. They delayed the first session of the meet by 4 hours, which we knew Friday night at 730pm. There were some scratches... But funny enough, none from our team that had to travel the farthest.
The other sessions had even more scratches - including all but one L4 and one L5... And 4/12 L3 made it :)
The latest report is that the snow is expected to accumulate overnight Friday into Saturday morning. The ground temperature is warm, the issue is when the snow falls the outside temp which is expected to be freezing causes the snow to become ice pretty quickly. I experienced this back in 2014. I left work right after the snow began to fall, halfway home the roads were slick; everyone was sliding all over the place. Kids got stranded in schools overnight, few of my co-workers got stranded at work overnight some folks were stranded on the interstate. I had to work from home for the next 5 DAYS! Too much ice. It was a hot mess. The good thing about this coming snowstorm is that it will be largely a weekend event so less cars on the road. The local news is saying however for folks to prepare to stay home for the next 3 DAYS! Temps will remain above freezing.
We were going to see my daughters teammate compete Saturday @6, I hope its not as bad as they are predicting.
Safe travels to everyone.
we live NE of there so I assume the same front that went through here has headed there. We were to get 3 inches and it was to be bad about rush hour tonight and we barely got 1/2 inch, so hoping that plays true there too and everyone can travel safely.
It will be fine. If any snow happens to fall, it's not starting till after midnight Saturday morning and will end by 6 am., that's the latest reports. It will be gone pretty quickly.
Weather.com has moved the start of snowfall in ATL up to 10pm Friday night. I don't really trust any of the forecasts as they prove themselves wrong time after time. Will just have to monitor it tomorrow and see how it looks to be shaping up.
As a northern transplant that is now living in the south, I used to laugh about the panic down here over what, honestly, is a dusting of snow.

However, there is not enough equipment or supplies to remove it from the roadways here (they don't even salt the roads. They use a brine solution... And my road has never been plowed. They do the main roads, but none of the neighborhood roads).

And worse than the lack of adequate removal equipment it the ice! Because the ground stays warmer here, the snow melts quickly on the pavement, but then refreezes overnight under the slush and snow. It can be quite treacherous and even my northern self won't drive once the sun goes down. I don't care how good you are at driving in snow, ice is a whole other ballgame.

That said, I hope it ends up not being a big deal and everyone gets there and home safely and gets to compete! Good luck to all of those braving weather this weekend!
We'll be headed to the Gala in Asheville. They are at least used to snow and I imagine Asheville will be fine (and they are only getting 4" at most). However, I am traveling from further east where they are not prepared and are scheduled to get more snow. Originally I was planning on driving up and back tomorrow but now I am driving late this afternoon before it really gets started and since we won't be able to get back before sundown - staying over Saturday night too. Ice down here is no joke and I don't want to hit it in the dark.
They have been pre-treating roads with brine since yesterday but since it is supposed to start as rain- I don't know how much good it will do. Rain typically washes away the brine. I wish they had salt like when I lived in Pittsburgh and Omaha but no luck. They do plan to put sand down after it is done. I am hoping it is only a few inches and not the up to 8" that has been mentioned.
Virginia Beach has a big meet this weekend too. I think they are supposed to get 10" and they are definitely not prepared.
I'm in the metro area. they have upgraded the predictions for tonight. Right now my deck is accumulating sleet, quite a bit of it. It has turned to ice. I just checked my driveway and it is icing over too. That and the lack of equipment is the problem here. As others have mentioned. We just get so much ice! I have seen people ice skate on the roads when we get "snow". In my neighborhood kids sled down the street because they can go so fast on the ice. One year I pulled my car into the bottom of my driveway (my driveway is a hill), got out of the car and started walking away, suddenly my car slid back into the road!

Things are supposed to stop by early morning, so hopefully they will just have to do a delay.
Be careful with this storm. I live where we are used to snow, and this storm has knocked us down for about 2 days. And the roads are still icy. They are treating them, and everything, but when the high is 0, not much helps. Be careful and good luck!!!!
Everyone be safe out there! We drove verrrry slowly and got in a day early just to be safe.
The news is saying that gwinett got rain, so hopefully things will be OK over there.

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