Wow--I'm envious of those of you without a policy. I keep meticulous track of my daughter's attendance so that we don't run afoul of the following policy. I'll note that this is a team of just level 3 and 4 gymnasts, about 25 total who practice 3-5 times per week at varying times each day (minimum days per week are defined by level and beyond that girls take what the family can afford to pay for and what works in their schedule). We pay meet fees for the season upfront with a "no refund" policy plus monthly tuition. My own daughter has just moved from 4 to 5 days a week so that we can qualify for a independent study PE waiver from her school.
1. Absence for any reason the week (7 days) before a meet disqualifies from competing.
2. No more than 3 weeks of vacation for family vacation, camps, etc. This is in addition to the 4 weeks per year the gym is closed entirely (Christmas week and such). These must be scheduled in advance and approved.
3. No more than 5 (for girls who go 3 days/week), 7 (4 days/week) or 9 (5 days/week girls) other absences during the year.
4. Absences for documented illness/injury and required school events do not count as absences. However, if the gymnast doesn't have an explicit "cannot practice" from a doctor, she is still expected to come to practice and do what she can (judged by the coach, which is the only part I actually disagree with since what he considers safe for someone with an injury and what I would consider safe are really different).
5. All absences must be made up -- either by attending practice on additional days (if you don't already do 5 days/week) or attending open gym and completing a set practice assignment (no just showing up and playing).
6. Girls sent from practice for a discipline infraction are counted as absent. At our first meet our top girl didn't compete because she had been sent from practice for talking.