Parents Baby Bog's Bling Brag

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Some of you know that BB had her first meet last week and that she was forced into the older category due to politics in our region. In fact we have the old system in it's last year and the new system in it's first year happening at the same time. This year we will have two provincials even, though BB is too young for either. As you can imagine this has caused a lot of battles and problems for club and coaches. Our club is affiliated in both leagues, some are just in the new system.

All that to say that the old federation sent the medals for the meet and it included medals for BB for the age group she should have been in. So she got
gold on floor and vault and silver on the Beam, bars and AA. The coach held a nice medal ceremony and awarded all the girls that won stuff their medals.

There was no medal for tramp as the old system does not do tramp (even though they competed it at the meet!!!) The medals given out at the meet were for under the new system, confused yet???

The parents are totally confused and the gymnasts are very, very confused. I am not sure what the PTB were thinking. Phasing one out before the other came in would've been smart.

BB is very happy as you can imagine!
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OMG! What a nice surprise!!! That's so awesome for baby bog!!! Congrats to her and I bet she was grinning from ear to ear!!!
Good for her! And what a nice coach, to hold a little ceremony & all. I'll bet she was just beaming (no pun intended....!).

What do her medals look like? Do you guys have different ones from us, or the same? We either get cheap-o, generic 'gymnastics'-type medals that are mass- produced by all the different awards companies, or on rare occasions, the clubs that hold the meets will have neat-o, custom ones made (which costs the club more but is so fun for the gymnasts!).

Tell her we are proud of baby bog!

Your system makes about as much sense as USAG at! Oh well, I guess you have to just go w/ the flow! :)
Thanks ladies.

The medals have a ribbon that say "sports etudiant" in red and white and they have the logo on it that looks like a running man. Dull really! AT our civile and the new Circuit Regional meets the clubs give out there own medals with the clubs logo on them. I have seen some of the funky medlas and trophies in the US, they are so fun.

BB was very happy, as were the two other 9 year olds in her level.
AWESOME! And confusing:) Baby Bog must have been thrilled! Congratulations!

I'm also impressed that the coach took the opportunity to give the girls some, much deserved, recognition!
Well done! What happens next year? Will she have a category or not? How infuriating!
Congrats to BB that had to be fun. I guess as we hear what you go through our love/hate relationship with the USAG seems easier. It may not be fair, it may not be perfect, but we know what to expect at least.
Well done! What happens next year? Will she have a category or not? How infuriating!

Fortunately next year she will go into the 11/12 year old group as a 10 year old turning 11. This is the end of the line for the 8/9 year old though, after this year they will either be forced into the mega hours and clubs of the provincial stream or they will have to stay down a level in order to compete.

Way too little thinking went on when they devised a new system for the regional system.

Thanks for the thanks!
That is so great for BB !!!!! I bet she is still grinning from ear to ear. Sounds like a crazy system up there - thankfully we have you to explain it all for us !!!
Well I'm confused.Congrates.It sounds like she had a very good meet though.Competing with the older agegroup really stinks.I think in Hopes they detrmin the age group the year of the birthday.So even if you're birthday is not until the end of the year you still end up in the older age devision like my daugther would.
Yay for Baby Bog!! That is awesome. Confusing for sure, who knows what they were thinking. I am sure she is super proud of herself, as is her mama! :D
WooHoo, way to go BB!!! How exciting for her :)! I love it when the powers that be make good decisions that benefit our kids!

So how exactly are they changing your system? Is there a website I could go to check it out? I'm curious to see how it compares with ours.

WooHoo, way to go BB!!! How exciting for her :)! I love it when the powers that be make good decisions that benefit our kids!

So how exactly are they changing your system? Is there a website I could go to check it out? I'm curious to see how it compares with ours.


DO you read French? If so I can point you to all our documents. If not I can explain it a bit.

We have a provincial system, that applies to all of Canada, except Ontario they use a 10 level system like the US. In the Provincial system there are 5 levels P1-P5. There are also national stream as well.

In Quebec the system has been modified somewhat, so that we have Civile which encompasses the levels P2-P5. The P1 level, a bit like L3 in the US has been modified to use in the Circuit Regional which is lower level competitive gymnastics.

In the Circuit Regional, CR, there are 5 levels CR1-CR3 then CR3 avance and CR3 specialiste. CR3 AV is like level4+ and Specialiste is about L6. Cr3 has set skills and the other levels are all bonus based.

In the CR girls are not allowed to train more than 9 hours a week, this is to level out the playing field a bit. They also compete tramp.

The old system known as scolaire had/has the same levels, but no trampoline apparatus. The scolaire system had different age groups and offered younger girls with higher level skills to compete even if they trained few hours.

This year the Quebec Federation has allowed the old scolaire system to run along the new CR system, they did this without really examining the consequenecs. Some new clubs were forced into the system without any knowledge of the old system and this has caused major issues between the CR clubs and the old scolaire clubs.

Old regions are integrated into new regions which means at meets there are girls who are not in your scolaire region, but they are in your CR region. This makes working out who is quuslified to go to what provincials a nightmare.

Many clubs are all about the girls competing and having fun as this is low level comp gym for girls/families who do not want to commit to mega hours etc.

It is all very odd and has not been well explained to parents, I spend all my time at meets explaining to our parents that no their DD did not place at the CR meet, but in the scolaire medal they would still place as not all clubs are affiliated with both systems. Completely nuts.

A real shame when the girls in this system are clearly not headed to high level gym and are all in the gym minimal hours. The federation seems to forget that these meets should be rewarding and uncomplicated or parents will simply walk away to one of the many other psorts their kids could do.

I would love more clarity. Perhaps next year things will improve when the scolaire system ends, but sadly the younger advanced girls will still be left with few options.

If you want any more info let me know.

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