Parents Big weekend coming up

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Aug 25, 2007
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Well, we are getting ready for our very busy weekend. DD has a mock meet this afternoon at her gym.

Bright and early tomorrow morning we are on the soccer field for pictures and first game of the season. She told me that she wants to play offense "because they work harder"

Then even earlier on Sunday morning (we have to leave the house at 7am :eek: - I am NOT a morning person) she has her first meet of the season. I am very excited to see her compete bars since she has tackled her mill circle since her final meet in March.

Wish us luck and I will need the coffee fairy to be around all weekend !!
Good luck and have fun! Our Level 4, 6, 7's are competing in their first meet this Sunday as well! I wish my girls were and I know Little Monkey wishes she was too. But, she will have to wait till Jan when their seasons start! Big DD could care less, she is hapy to wait!
Best of luck to little DD, I am sure she'll have a blast and you'll catch up on your sleep when she graduates high school!:D
Good luck to her! Hope you enjoy watching all the fun.
Sleep is overrated, anyway:p!
Good luck to your DD, and enjoy all of it!

These crazy weekends are what create those fun memories that we will all fondly look back on, when we're old and gray, w/ nuthin' to do! :)
Good luck, have fun, get massive amounts of pics :) I'll send the coffee fairy your way...been holding her hostage since I had to wake up at 5am today! She's been here distributing caramel macchiatto's! I love the soccer comment about playing offense lol!
Wow what a weekend for you and her. :oWell goodluck with it all. Enjoy every minute and take lots of pics.
Have great weekend! Sounds like you'll need Monday off, to rest up from the weekend,LOL. :)
Good luck!! I am the total opposite- I wake up at about 7 the latest:D Get a good nights sleep and drink a lot of coffee (LOL) I wish your daughter tons of luck for her big weekend!:)

Soccer has been re-scheduled for Tuesday night. The field are too wet and they are calling from more showers tonight and in the morning. :(:D I am split on this. Happy that I can sleep in one day, sad because DD is disappointed.

Thanks for all your well wishes. Her mock meet went pretty well tonight. Bars looked real good, beam too. vault - ok, floor ok.

I'll update you on Sunday how the meet went. Fingers crossed !!
ooh enjoy the extra sleep, then act all sad around DD, she like that a lot.
Glad the mock meet went well!
Update #2

OK, now she is throwing up !!!!!! :eek:

We may not be doing anything this weekend - aarrggg !!!!
Oh no! I hope she feels better in time for the meet. Here...I'll send the feel better fairy her way:hugonwings:
Oh my, lets hope it's a quick 24 hour thing, but it is that time of year. Poor baby.
Thanks All,

I just went to the store for ginger ale and jello. I found something called Emetrol that is for kids for nausea and vomiting. Take it every 15 min (for up to 5 doses) until subsides. She just took dose #2 and so far things are looking better. I think I will give her dose #3 even if she doesn't get sick again, for good measure and see how she does after that.

The Feel Better Fairy :wizard: would be fantastic right about now. She did so good in her mock meet yesterday too.
Oh, I am glad she had a good time at the Mock Meet. Sorry she is sick. Hopefully she will get better quickly. That stomach bug is going around here as well. Lots of feel better vibes for today and good luck ones for tomorrow!!

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