Proud Parent
- Jun 15, 2019
- 2
- 0
Hi All, (realised I posted this in the wrong forum, sorry!)
(TLDR: The Plan I created with the help of several coaches is attached and I'd appreciate any feedback on any imbalances!
First post here but I've been lurking for 2 years or so now. My DS (6) has never been considered a gifted gymnast by any of the clubs (several) we've attended. However, he is very strong and has super flexibility (one thing every club has praised). We didn't have high aims at the beginning, as his coordination, behaviour and balance were pretty average. One thing that has always stood out for me when watching him is how much he LOVES the sport. We've tried him with loads of things over the years but Gym is the thing that is him throughout.
Against all advice, I've been training with him at home for about 21 months now. His last club "punished" him for his behaviour (he was being silly, he would be 100% focused when actually training but being the clown if not kept active all the time). He was kept in a rec group for 1 hour a week and it was clear to me and frustrating too that he was not being challenged in that group. I signed him up to a few other local clubs including putting him on the waiting list for a few larger clubs to compare as I have never been involved with gym before.
He became the "demonstrator" in his rec group and won any competition hands down, it was clear that his enthusiasm was leading to improvement. I queried the coach (who was high level but incredibly unapproachable) and he said he "had a plan" for my son. The other rec groups at other clubs were very low level by comparison so we stuck with his main club. Eventually he was moved into a 2 hour group.
By this time I'd taken it on myself to give him the extra time and support I felt he needed. I know this is heavily frowned upon and I debated this for a long time. I even volunteered at local club and signed up to a MAG course! This made me realise just how little I knew but I relentlessly went through gymnasts youtube channels/forums/social media looking for coaching tips.
I worked on basics with my son, so flexibility while watching tv/playing games, games on trampoline, fun circuits together that incorporated jumping, funny conditioning that I'd fail at making him feel special and praising his efforts at every stage regardless of success. I began to get a little stricter on form as I picked these things up myself. He got stronger, the first time he ever went in the bucket for mushroom circles he did 100 as we'd been working them at home. Much to his coaches amazement he started considering him for a 8 hour group at this point.
His coach was trying to tame DS I think. He used to make him sit at the side/in the changing rooms (especially when he moved him into the developemnt squad) he constantly told him to be more like his star gymnasts who could do x, y ,z. I could see it chipping away at my son's morale and it really irritated me. The number of times I've read "don't compare your gymnasts to others" yet he was blatantly doing this. I understand why but it was making my son feel inferior and like his efforts at home were not been praised. (I certainly felt this way).
We spent 12 months at that club, being told my son wasn't anything special (gymnastics wise), needed to improve his behaviour, was too silly, wasn't training hard enough, was "ok" or told nothing at all and blanked (towards the end).
We got a message from one of the other clubs we were on a waiting list for that a space was open finally. I jumped on this. By the end of the first session the coach came out beaming and said "your son is incredibly talented". I knew this wasn't the case necessarily, he'd just worked damn hard at home. They invited him to a trial and he was placed in a 6 hour development squad.
This was a step back in hours but the club was a fresh start, had better equipment and he idolises the coaches there. They also have a much bigger MAG section there. The sessions highlighted a big issue with bouncing. The club clearly place a huge emphasis on the ability to bounce high and that was the biggest eye opener for us. The group consists of 4-8 year olds and my son is at the top end of that group. We've been pushing to get moved into the competition squad (12-15 hours) who are a long way ahead of him so we've been working the things they don't have time to do in his 6 hour group.
The club offered a private lesson for him to "bridge the gap" between competition squad and development and we ran with that for 9 weeks or so. He learned some wicked tumbling and has managed to ring the bell in his squad sessions ten or so times (none of the other boys have rung it yet). We saw this as a sign that he is at the top end of the development group.
Then covid hit.
We've gained so much ground, especially in bouncing/tumbling that I really didn't want him to regress. I wanted to keep up the momentum. I asked the coaches if there was a "home programme" for his group. They said not but I heard from other parents that the 12-15 hour group had a whole plan given to them. I suppose us not getting this plan means that DS is not on the radar for promotion (perhaps I'm reading into it too much but I've been bitten in the other club and I am sceptical due to this).
DS doesn't need my input in his training now really (occasional poke to do things properly, keep tight and point stuff!) but I wanted to keep is motivation high while he isn't at gym. I produced a training programme for him (doctored from one I got from the club after creating some waves...) that he could "teach" to his instagram audience. We started a series called "How to be fit like a 6 year old" and I've been pretending to publish it, instead publishing little clips. He's very proud.
Before Covid, he'd done very little Mushroom work, maybe 10 mins a week. He could manage lots in the bucket but only just 1 circle. Thanks to the home training and his persistence he is now up to 3 3/4 circles on our pommel at home! A massive achievement which I again praised his efforts on. It seems the club weren't too concerned with him not training for this period, this concerns me greatly in their plans for my son. Perhaps they would rather no training than filling him with bad habits. I entirely agree yet I've been studying gymnastics enough to run a pretty decent conditioning session at least.
His motivation is high and he's training 6 days a week. I've put the plan on the wall and at some point during the day he'll look at it and get started with my wife and I or us individually. It's working well and wow he's shredded now! :haha:
So we're going ahead with the plan at the moment, wow this post is long...sorry!
My questions are:
What do you all thing of the home plan I've put together?
Is it balanced, safe and fun?
Are there any components missing?
Could you suggest any skills that might be a nice goal to work towards over the next few weeks before getting back to gym?
Thanks for reading my waffling and I appreciate any comments (even if they are telling me off! I'll take it.)
(TLDR: The Plan I created with the help of several coaches is attached and I'd appreciate any feedback on any imbalances!

First post here but I've been lurking for 2 years or so now. My DS (6) has never been considered a gifted gymnast by any of the clubs (several) we've attended. However, he is very strong and has super flexibility (one thing every club has praised). We didn't have high aims at the beginning, as his coordination, behaviour and balance were pretty average. One thing that has always stood out for me when watching him is how much he LOVES the sport. We've tried him with loads of things over the years but Gym is the thing that is him throughout.
Against all advice, I've been training with him at home for about 21 months now. His last club "punished" him for his behaviour (he was being silly, he would be 100% focused when actually training but being the clown if not kept active all the time). He was kept in a rec group for 1 hour a week and it was clear to me and frustrating too that he was not being challenged in that group. I signed him up to a few other local clubs including putting him on the waiting list for a few larger clubs to compare as I have never been involved with gym before.
He became the "demonstrator" in his rec group and won any competition hands down, it was clear that his enthusiasm was leading to improvement. I queried the coach (who was high level but incredibly unapproachable) and he said he "had a plan" for my son. The other rec groups at other clubs were very low level by comparison so we stuck with his main club. Eventually he was moved into a 2 hour group.
By this time I'd taken it on myself to give him the extra time and support I felt he needed. I know this is heavily frowned upon and I debated this for a long time. I even volunteered at local club and signed up to a MAG course! This made me realise just how little I knew but I relentlessly went through gymnasts youtube channels/forums/social media looking for coaching tips.
I worked on basics with my son, so flexibility while watching tv/playing games, games on trampoline, fun circuits together that incorporated jumping, funny conditioning that I'd fail at making him feel special and praising his efforts at every stage regardless of success. I began to get a little stricter on form as I picked these things up myself. He got stronger, the first time he ever went in the bucket for mushroom circles he did 100 as we'd been working them at home. Much to his coaches amazement he started considering him for a 8 hour group at this point.
His coach was trying to tame DS I think. He used to make him sit at the side/in the changing rooms (especially when he moved him into the developemnt squad) he constantly told him to be more like his star gymnasts who could do x, y ,z. I could see it chipping away at my son's morale and it really irritated me. The number of times I've read "don't compare your gymnasts to others" yet he was blatantly doing this. I understand why but it was making my son feel inferior and like his efforts at home were not been praised. (I certainly felt this way).
We spent 12 months at that club, being told my son wasn't anything special (gymnastics wise), needed to improve his behaviour, was too silly, wasn't training hard enough, was "ok" or told nothing at all and blanked (towards the end).
We got a message from one of the other clubs we were on a waiting list for that a space was open finally. I jumped on this. By the end of the first session the coach came out beaming and said "your son is incredibly talented". I knew this wasn't the case necessarily, he'd just worked damn hard at home. They invited him to a trial and he was placed in a 6 hour development squad.
This was a step back in hours but the club was a fresh start, had better equipment and he idolises the coaches there. They also have a much bigger MAG section there. The sessions highlighted a big issue with bouncing. The club clearly place a huge emphasis on the ability to bounce high and that was the biggest eye opener for us. The group consists of 4-8 year olds and my son is at the top end of that group. We've been pushing to get moved into the competition squad (12-15 hours) who are a long way ahead of him so we've been working the things they don't have time to do in his 6 hour group.
The club offered a private lesson for him to "bridge the gap" between competition squad and development and we ran with that for 9 weeks or so. He learned some wicked tumbling and has managed to ring the bell in his squad sessions ten or so times (none of the other boys have rung it yet). We saw this as a sign that he is at the top end of the development group.
Then covid hit.
We've gained so much ground, especially in bouncing/tumbling that I really didn't want him to regress. I wanted to keep up the momentum. I asked the coaches if there was a "home programme" for his group. They said not but I heard from other parents that the 12-15 hour group had a whole plan given to them. I suppose us not getting this plan means that DS is not on the radar for promotion (perhaps I'm reading into it too much but I've been bitten in the other club and I am sceptical due to this).
DS doesn't need my input in his training now really (occasional poke to do things properly, keep tight and point stuff!) but I wanted to keep is motivation high while he isn't at gym. I produced a training programme for him (doctored from one I got from the club after creating some waves...) that he could "teach" to his instagram audience. We started a series called "How to be fit like a 6 year old" and I've been pretending to publish it, instead publishing little clips. He's very proud.
Before Covid, he'd done very little Mushroom work, maybe 10 mins a week. He could manage lots in the bucket but only just 1 circle. Thanks to the home training and his persistence he is now up to 3 3/4 circles on our pommel at home! A massive achievement which I again praised his efforts on. It seems the club weren't too concerned with him not training for this period, this concerns me greatly in their plans for my son. Perhaps they would rather no training than filling him with bad habits. I entirely agree yet I've been studying gymnastics enough to run a pretty decent conditioning session at least.
His motivation is high and he's training 6 days a week. I've put the plan on the wall and at some point during the day he'll look at it and get started with my wife and I or us individually. It's working well and wow he's shredded now! :haha:
So we're going ahead with the plan at the moment, wow this post is long...sorry!
My questions are:
What do you all thing of the home plan I've put together?
Is it balanced, safe and fun?
Are there any components missing?
Could you suggest any skills that might be a nice goal to work towards over the next few weeks before getting back to gym?
Thanks for reading my waffling and I appreciate any comments (even if they are telling me off! I'll take it.)