Parents Brag Warning! A First for Emma!

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Hi all,

I think a lot of you may already know from youtube, but I had to post it here too. My DD took first AA at her last meet. WOW! We are still on cloud nine. We really do not put a whole lot of emphasis on where she places, but boy did this feel good. I have to say that her daddy and I teared up and everything. I think it even surprised DD. She was soooo proud of herself. She has several teammates that place first quite often. It never bothered her and she is always their cheerleader. DD does well at her meets and we are always thrilled no matter what place she gets because we know she really tries. Anyhow, here is the link to her latest meet. Thanks for indulging a proud mama!

AA 36.125 First Place
Vault 8.70 3rd place
Bars 9.35 1st Place
Beam 8.975 5th Place
Floor 9.10 3rd Place

YouTube - King Arthur Invitational 2009
What a BAR STAR, that was lovely and she looked like she loved every minute of her meet. What a great reward for your team spirited gymmie, she really worked hard for this.

She's a little cutie too.
Great routines!! Congrats for winning the AA! How old is she? My dd is a Level 5, too, 7yo. Her coach has told her over and over how she'd be scoring 9's or higher on bars if she could just get her skills connected! Send some Emma's bar fairies our way for this weekend!
What a BAR STAR, that was lovely and she looked like she loved every minute of her meet. What a great reward for your team spirited gymmie, she really worked hard for this.

She's a little cutie too.

She had a blast. This is a fun meet. She was very excited to win. Just "icing" after a fun day. Thanks.
Great routines!! Congrats for winning the AA! How old is she? My dd is a Level 5, too, 7yo. Her coach has told her over and over how she'd be scoring 9's or higher on bars if she could just get her skills connected! Send some Emma's bar fairies our way for this weekend!

Thanks! She turned 8 the end of December. I know what you mean about them not making the connection. DD's coach tells them what they need to do to improve their routines, but I think these younger gymmies have a hard time making the connection to their scores. I have seen a glimmer of recognition in DD since she turned 8. She doesn't really pay to much attention to the scores, but she loves getting the ribbons after each event. She knows the blue are the ones to get so she is working on getting all blue at her meets. Bars are DD's thing. She would do them all day and throw out that old beam!!! We will send bus loads of bar fairies your way for this weekend!!! Send us beam fairies for the following weekend! Good luck to your DD!
Thanks! She turned 8 the end of December. I know what you mean about them not making the connection. DD's coach tells them what they need to do to improve their routines, but I think these younger gymmies have a hard time making the connection to their scores. I have seen a glimmer of recognition in DD since she turned 8. She doesn't really pay to much attention to the scores, but she loves getting the ribbons after each event. She knows the blue are the ones to get so she is working on getting all blue at her meets. Bars are DD's thing. She would do them all day and throw out that old beam!!! We will send bus loads of bar fairies your way for this weekend!!! Send us beam fairies for the following weekend! Good luck to your DD!

Funny, cuz my dd's favorite even is beam! She'd throw out the old bars if she could!! She has decent form, just can't get the connections yet. I'll send you tons of beam fairies for you you next weekend!:D
Great job. Wow! 1st place AA. Great job Emma. You are doing fantastic!!!
Way to go Emma!!!!! My dd is just a couple weeks younger than Emma...and she and I are both WAY impressed!:DWhat a great job and we are so happy for your first, FIRST place finish!
Em had another fantastic meet! She is one amazing kid. I loved her vids & espcially bars! WOW! She rocked them! A super great job! :D

Bummed we are not in the same session at COS, but wishing a ton of good luck to E for another great meet. Xing fingers that she is standing on the FIRST PLACE Podium again!!!!!! Is this your next met or do you have one in between? Our next meet is EGGS. Have you guys ever been?


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