WAG Bratayley

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Sorry to move off topic. But this is the one I really worry about. Why would a parent consider this safe? The outfit alone has me cringing as to who is watching it and gawking at the young girl. My DD watches the Bratalays too. Aside from the length of the videos and the wonderment of why someone would want so much outside attention, I haven't seen anything as questionable as Whitney 's kitchen gymnastics.
omgosh- coincidentally, i saw a few seconds of one of those today and was like WTH?!?
Ok, I just you tubed whitneys kitchen gymnastics. What a nice little gymmie.. but what the..?!???!
I searched for it and found a couple videos. Wow. My kid will try almost anything - apparently I should monitor her gymnastics youtubing a little more closely in case any videos give her questionable ideas.
It timed out before I could edit, but what I wanted to add was that my dd, while an avid follower, thinks that redbull one was completely inappropriate...and dangerous too. She came up with this opinion all by herself. I was impressed. I seriously don't know what they were thinking....???
Oh I love bratayley! Because their little 11 year old daughter is training to be a level eight gymnast and I'm only in gold.
This reminds of the thread about the instagram account for gymnast lucy. I'm sorry if I should not mention it here, but it is public so.... Between the incessant home practicing and the marketing across all different types of products, I can't help but think it will lead to eventual burnout. Plus, with all of the personal info you can find out her full name and gym in about 2 seconds. Scary to me.
So one person said they believed they would lose college eligibility. That probably makes sense for the Bratayley clan if they are truly making the millions, but I notice Annie's teammates have youtubes now that get a lot of hits. I wonder at what point YouTube starts cutting checks?
You'd think her coaches would tell her to stop.
This! I mean, are the parents that out of control? From the little I have seen, they seem nice. I don't get it....?
You never really know what goes on behind some people's closed doors.... smh...
So one person said they believed they would lose college eligibility. That probably makes sense for the Bratayley clan if they are truly making the millions, but I notice Annie's teammates have youtubes now that get a lot of hits. I wonder at what point YouTube starts cutting checks?

If you have a channel and you get enough hits you get paid, you just have to set up your channel that way.

I am not a fan of these YouTube channels that have thousands of followers. I guess Bratayley is one thing, because it's kind of like reality tv shows in some ways (but I can't get into it because it's really just like watching my own boring life on my computer, lol) but the little gym stars like Whitney? I can't help but think that half of her followers are creepy pedophiles. I locked down all of my DD's gymnastics videos to "private" (you need a special link to view) when I discovered that she had followers who struck me immediately as pedophiles. Yuck. I don't need some guy getting his jollies off to a video of my little girl doing what she loves. :(
I always wonder why the gyms, coaches and even the usag in general don't put the reigns on these gymnastics you-tubers. A lot of these channels just come across as tacky IMO, and gymnastics really shouldn't be used as a short term "fame grab". Gymnastics glory comes from years of hard work, sacrifice and discipline, the type that gets you to the Olympics and Worlds. It shouldn't come from an over the top parent w/ a video camera and a bunch of home equipment.

What's next, will all these YouTube famous kids start selling their own leotard and grip lines? Like the "cheerlebrity" all star cheerleaders do w/ the bows? Or that may already be happening for all I know :(.
Holy moly! I looked at a couple of videos, and truly can't see the fascination, looks like boring normal life. And their daughter is a level 2 gymnast who just had her first meet ever? We have apparently been doing this sport wrong!! LOL
I talked with my dd about that kitchen gymnastics thing today. I think we're on the same page. She has watched Whitney's kitchen gymnastics before and knew exactly what I was talking about.

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