Parents Cait update

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Just a quick update on Cait's foot and preparation for Houston...

Cait's foot appears to be back 100%. They cut her loose yesterday for full practice. She had a fantastic day. Maybe the few days of light duty energized her. She was able to complete the following in preparation: (we had a lot of "guess what" moments yesterday :D

  • Front HS stepout, FHS, FT on floor
  • Yurchenko vault
  • Giant, giant, LO flyaway
  • layout, full on tramp
  • her three split jump floor pass
She is getting excited and nervous. I think she is more nervous about flying than the testing

Thanks for letting me share,

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Great news that Cait is back 100% in the gym and that her skills have benefitted from abreak. Sometimes a week of downtimes can do wonders.

I am sure she, and the rest of you, are very excited for this opportunity.
Glad to hear she's recovered! Best of luck in Houston! I love the"guess what" moments we've been having a few at my house this week too!
Wow Sean! What a great update! She has come into some really big skills very quickly. She must posses a lot of determination, coupled with her talent!

I hope you guys have a wonderful experience in Texas, I can't wait to hear all about her success:D
Glad it wasn't serious and so glad she's gonna make it to Houston....what a wonderful opportunity with a lifetime of memories I'm sure. Good Luck to her!
Awesome update! Sometimes (even though we don't want to think it) these little injuries that force some downtime and rest are blessings in disguise. It is like the body saying, "I need to rest, darn it!!" Glad to hear she is back 100%!!!
Awesome news and I am glad Cait is back 100%. Hopefully injuries are behind her forever:)
So glad that Cait is totally recovered. I hope that she has an awesome experience in Houston!!! :D
Thank God that her foot is back 100% for Houston. That is wonderful news !!!!

With all those skills it sounds like she is ready to go. I cannot wait to hear how it goes, be sure to keep us posted.

Enjoy every moment of your trip.
That's great that Cate is back 100% cannot wait to here all about Houston!
Great new that she has recovered! Good luck to her in Houston - how exciting!!
Great news! Cait sounds like she is ready to Rock Houston!

Good Luck cant wait to hear how she does!

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