We've been at our gym for 3.5 years. 2 of those years have been with the team. Thankfully, we have very few if any CGMS. Everyone tries to be supportive of their own and each other's girls. That, and we all tend to trust that our coaches know what they're doing.
So today was the first practice of the new season. Our optional practice overlaps by a half hour with our compulsory practice. Well, our team has grown significantly, and there were a lot of new girls and their parents.
When the Optional practice ended, one of the new girls came out to her mom, who was immediately on her case "Why did you waste a whole hour on bars? Why didn't you do X skill? Did they know you can do X skill? Did you tell them you can do X skill? Did you ASK to do X skill? Then you need to tell them to move you to a group that you can do X skill." This poor girl looked miserable. She had just walked out of a 4-hour practice with new coaches and new teammates in a new gym to be berated by her mother.
I didn't say anything, but I really wanted to turn around and say "if you are so unsatisfied with the coaching your daughter is getting after just ONE practice, then please, find another gym. We don't need your kind of attitude here".
I feel better now that I've vented to people who will understand. Hopefully she's the only one. I really hope the rest of the new parents aren't like her.