We have a girl (competed Level 3 last year) who has been gone for a month. Her parents are convinced that she's coming back but we all know she's done. She was training for level 4 this summer when her knee started randomly hurting. It's funny because the first few months of summer everyone goes back to basics and we limit the pounding in all levels. Everything is on the low beam, tumbling is just drills, bars is just working shapes/strength, and vault is just working on running and board drills. But this girl is notoriously scared of beam, and that's when her knee first started "hurting". At first I totally believed her, gave her ice, let her rest. When her mom came in I explained to her that her daughter's knee started hurting all of a sudden, no reason, she never fell or anything, but to continue icing at home on and off. She continued this for several days with skipping everything but bars. Then the following week we had our "team camp". It's more just a fun week for all our new team members to bond with the rest of the team. We play games, have guest coaches/trainers come in (trampoline coach, ballerina, college gymnast, etc) and have fun. All week she would limp around the gym in her Walmart knee brace, but when it was time for games, she was magically not limping. Our HC caught on and told her that if she can't do gym, she shouldn't be running around during game time. Then we got a call the next day from her mom saying her daughter's knee hurts too bad so she won't be continuing camp and they're going to take her to a doctor. She went and got an x-ray and MRI from TWO different doctors, both said there was nothing wrong. It's been a month since team camp and she still hasn't returned. Her parents swear she's coming back. Even went and ordered her a new leo (she's only worn her other one for 1 year?). We told them she would have to repeat level 3 and her parents got upset....like, what did you expect?? We start competing in 3 months, she's missed over a month of practice this summer because of her "knee injury"....where the most pounding she's endured is from a round-off bhs.

So yes, kids do fake injuries....but I don't always assume that.
It's pretty obvious which ones are and which ones aren't.
We have a gym klutz who is constantly doing something. She fell on the playground at school last year and tweaked her ankle pretty bad to the point she was in a boot for 6 weeks. She still came to every practice and did conditioning/stretching and some bar work. Then just a few weeks ago she stubbed her big toe on a mat and broke it! It's funny, everything she gets hurt it's not from gymnastics...but from walking. Anyway, she is still at the gym doing want she can and you can tell it's killing her to watch her teammates work new skills and she has to just watch.
THAT is the difference.