Chalk Bucket Upgraded to vBulletin 4

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I just have to say i LOVE the sketch progression drawings by the title at the top of the page!!! Also i like how the background color behind the home>forum>blogs>and whats new changes it adds some needed color to the forum! :) It was changing colors before but isnt now, but i still like it!
How do I upload new pictures to my albums!?? It's really confusing and it says I've suceeded the max file limit or something before I have even selcted a picture :(
New posts are still bold. The Chalk Bucket will make improvements towards the future. The old software was outdated. Hopefully I will be able to get some better graphics on soon.

I've never seen any posts in bold before, old way or new. Where is the bold? On the name or the post itself? I always just click on the tiny icon next to the member's name on the thread and it takes me to any unread posts. But I'd like to see the bold so I know what to look for.
It happened again. I wanted to see what "Blog this Post" was about. So I clicked on it, didn't really understand it, and tried to come back to the Forum. I couldn't because it said Safari couldn't find it. I tried over and over, and shut down and restarted, and it still wouldn't load. Finally after 30 minutes, I was able to log back on. Was it something I did?
I'm a creature of habit...I liked the old CB...
How do I upload new pictures to my albums!?? It's really confusing and it says I've suceeded the max file limit or something before I have even selcted a picture :(

Uploads are currently not working. I have a couple of server settings that I need to fix. Soon...
It happened again. I wanted to see what "Blog this Post" was about. So I clicked on it, didn't really understand it, and tried to come back to the Forum. I couldn't because it said Safari couldn't find it. I tried over and over, and shut down and restarted, and it still wouldn't load. Finally after 30 minutes, I was able to log back on. Was it something I did?

Not sure...try clearing your browser history next time. I was able to use the "blog this post" button without any issues with chrome. Thank you for letting us know...this is a new setup...there are bound to be a few bugs.

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