A few clubs around our country area have decided the following:
-level 1: each club to put skills into a routine, scored out of 10, each gymnast gets a ribbon for each apparatus based on score- gold for 9.0+, silver for 8-8.9, bronze for <8.0
-level 2: use gymnastics Victoria routines (that they are putting together), either use their music or each club chooses their own, scored as above
-level 3: New ALP routines, scored as per new rules, awards as per above
-level 4&5: new ALP routines/rules/awards
-level 6+: either continue with ALP or change to "regional" requirements and rules- old state stream requirements, scoring and LAT rules, we are investigating our own badges for each level, not sure what the girls would be registered as though!
Really it has just gotten messy and confusing! But good that the clubs around here are giving the girls another option : )