Changes to the WAG program.

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We have never had the minimum age of 6 for competitions? Kids here have always been allowed to compete at age 5.

Currently for all NDP levels there is no minimum age for each level, it is just the minimum age of 5 turning 6 that year to compete in any level.
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Reactions: COz sorry! I must have misread it from somewhere :)

I'm fairly sure my DD's gym doesn't have any 5 year olds competing - they're not even allowed into the development program until they are 5. DD was accepted 8 weeks ago, but can't start until next week, on the day she turns 5! I'd imagine it would then take a year for her to be even ready to begin to compete? The development program at her gym has 10 "levels" - and it states in their manual that levels 7-10 of the development program equate to levels 1 - 3 of NDP or SDP. They seem to do two development levels each term - unless they have to repeat a level.
Each gym will set their own policies n the minimum ages they take kids into competition teams and when they allow them to compete.
I've heard "have to be six" a few times, but they mean "have to be turning six in the calendar year that they are competing".
But I had assumed that that referred to starting competitions at level 1. Interesting to know. Thanks.

Why do they have age restrictions for IDP and not for NDP?
Are they actual age restrictions currently in IDP? I noticed it said 'suggested age' in the new stuff.
Yes, there are restrictions on the minimum age for IDP but not for NDP (except the one rule that you need to be 5 by jan 1st to compete).

The reason for the age restrictions is because IDP is a very specific developmental program designed to prepare athletes to be of the appropriate standard to represent Australia in International competitions. Ideal preparation for an athlete is not just to introduce everything as early as you can, some things should not be introduced to early before the body has gone through specific developmental stages. The program is mapped out in order to have our kids peak at the age where they can be internationally competitive, a big issue for gymnasts is peaking too early. They can be super talented at 12 and not useful competitively by 15 because their bodies have done too many of the wrong types of exercises too early on.

NDP does not have a minimum age on levels because traditionally if a child was good enough to be of that level by by an age that would be considered too young, they would be pushed towards IDP anyway. Also its really not an issue, we have not really had a problem with NDP kids being too young. What is the youngest level 5 you have ever seen? What is the youngest age you have seen at level 7? Australian NDP athletes are very rarely excessively young for their level, so regulations have not been needed to stop coaches from pushing kids up too early.
On page 10 of the Program Framework document it has "Rec 7-8" I was reading this as "recommended" and thinking that perhaps it had changed.
I've just realised that this could be "required".
It means reccomended. Ie the ideal age to be in that level in order to be ready to compete Senior International in the year you turn 16.
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Reactions: COz more question from me...

Does anyone know what the physical skills testing for the NDP stream will be (eg what skills)? Do they plan to run it sort of like the IDEAL testing for IDP? Thanks in advance :)
The physical skills testing skills are still being finalised. It will be similar to the IDEAL skills testing for IDP.
Just thought I'd share what I heard on the weekend from on of our clubs judges..
She said she heard that Gymnastics Australia may now be holding the new changes till 2016 as they are not ready. I don't know if this is correct, but just thought I'd share. :)
The draft is out, which lists all the changes. But when it will actually start, no one knows.
Comeing from state I have no idea what this IDEAL testing is or what ever?? Is it like LAtS? Can someone please explain for national and international
Comeing from state I have no idea what this IDEAL testing is or what ever?? Is it like LAtS? Can someone please explain for national and international

IDEAL skills testing

Stuff about NDP and IDP in the threads below (look in particular for the posts by Aussie_coach). This will give you a feel for what it's like at the moment.

Proposed changes are here Program Framework beyond 2014 v2.pdf

These are screenshots of the proposed new routines, the owner of my gym was sent this and she gave the routines to me, they are much easier than the current routines. The technical requirements must have to be greater to compensate for the easier skills I suppose, but it's really hard to regroup my gymnasts that were supposed to be two year level 4 gymnasts who have worked on their kips and handsprings non stop to have to change back to just glides and round offs.
That's what I'm thinking, but because of the higher technical demand I don't want to up the level and have them struggle, i don't know I'll figure it out. But I do have a question, does anyone know if there will be prescribed music, because I just did the choreo for their new routines and I was hoping to just modify it, please tell me we can still chose their music!!!
Nope, level 3-5 is prescribed/compulsory routines and music!

Does anyone know yet if victoria will be keeping a state stream?

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