Acro IS required ... ACRO is the tumbling (RO, BHS, BLO, BT, FLO, FP, FT, Full, etc...). They are required to do acro at all optional levels. Dance is the leaps, jumps, turns, etc... There are "non-skills" that can also be part of the dance that are used as fillers and they should not really be judged (and aren't in L6-L7 and XB-XP - not sure about XDb but don't think it is judges there ... EXCEPT in the sense of "does it fit with the music?").
This. And along the lines of fit the music...........
New level/new coreography can be rushed, moves unfinished, so an arm that should end up overhead, gets there, too quickly or with sloppy open hands or not high enough. Extension that are not fully extended
Music that lends it self to crisp sharp movements and the gymnast is to slow and timid about it
Music that lends it self to slower movement done to quickly.
Hesitation, overthinking because it’s not muscle memory. It’s like a dancer or musician when learning a new piece and you can see they are still counting. They have not yet made the piece their own.
That will fall under coreography deductions. It’s not bad coreography, it’s poor execution of the coreography.
Again, our kids because we have done IGC/XCel along with JO have had their own individual coreography since they have been like 6/7. They are all on their 3-4 coreography/music. I’ve watched an awful lot of growth in their choices.
I’ve also watched growth of the routines. A new routine and new skills is a lot for any brain to process. It’s impossible to work on it all at once. JMO based on watching our girls.... when they are intently focused on skills, coreography can suffer and end up rushed. As they settle in, as they do less thinking about the skills as those skills become more muscle memory, they are more able to focus on the “coreography”. The tone, the finishes.
We purposely changed music this year as she is likely to do 2 years at level 8, and even if by some miracle she gets to L9. We wanted her to settle into the coreography, leaving the focus solely on skills