Parents Clank Clank...we have medals!

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Proud Parent
Mar 1, 2007
Reaction score
Results of the "Freak Meet" are in! The host gym sent the girls their medals and goodie bags! Basically a judge had to score the girls that did not get a chance to finish before we got kicked out in order to do the awards for the Level 4 teams. In my DD's 6/7 group there were only 3 scores missing and they were from the host gym so the scores on that were completed first. Other age groups were not as lucky and had missing scores from girls from different gyms.

I missed the ceremony at practice today since DH brought DD (I was at work) but officially her scores/awards are:

Floor 9.2 9th place medal
Beam 8.850 4th place medal
Bars 9.10 4th place medal
Vault 9.1 no award, but 13th place I think

AA 36.250 (WOOHOO) the score is *official* now! 6th place medal (no 5th place as there was a tie for 4th place)


The girls got nice tote bags, bears with a t-shirt and some other little cha-chi things. It was very nice of the host gym to finish this meet up & send the girls medals & goodie bags. I was thinking about sending them an e-mail. Had my DD been a little older, I doubt that it would have meant so much to get medals or awards, but she worked so hard this season and nailed each routine that day and just wanted that one good meet! It wasn't the same as podium time, but still meant a lot to her to be recognized. :D
Congratulations!! What a great meet. Your DD should be very proud of her scores. What an awesome day. Goodie bags too? ......WOW!:)
Great news Blackie!! Glad the host gym made things as "right" as they could under the circumstances and your dd is an official member of the 36 club. A nice way to head into the new year.
Blackie - I am so happy to hear that Santa Brought Medals!

I think that an email woudl be a great idea. I know so many people that want to only send letters or emails when things go wrong. It is nice to get one when things go right.
So happy she got some bling for all her hard work! Great scores!!!36+AA!!! This was surely a meet to more ways that one!!! I think an e-mail would be appreciated by the host club. I've sent them to clubs I felt went above & beyond to make a meet a great experience for the girls. Sounds like this club really had a lot to deal with & still tried to leave the girls with a good feeling. I'd like to send them a "thank you" e-mail & I don't even know them!!!:D Congrat to DD!!!! When is her next meet?
That sounds like a great Christmas present! How nice that they sent the little goodie bags, too. I agree with sending an email- they would probably appreciate hearing a good response! Congratulations to your DS!
Oh I am so very happy for your DD, it took a while but to have her great scores and placings acknowledged is awesome.

Loving the bling moment!!! Great job to the home gym.
Yay! I am so glad she finally got her medals and that she officially got that 36AA. Wow! When does her pic go up in the 36 club at her gym? She has worked so hard, glad she got to celebrate her hard work and that awesome meet finally.

I would definitely send an email to them to thank them. It is true that so many times, people forget to send thanks, but will easily send off an email when things aren't right.
Now officially in the 36 club! Glad to hear that they sent her the medals she defintly earned them.
I'm so glad to hear that they did that and now her 36 is official :D
Congrats to your DD on her 36!! This host gym has always done a nice meet so I'm not surprised that they got everything sorted out and sent out the "bling" and goodies!
Blackie, your DD did really great at this meet. I'm glad they followed through with sending the medals. At our last meet they ran out of medals at one of the late Sunday sessions and and have still not sent anything out to the girls yet. I'm glad your DD was rewarded for her awesome meet!

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