Coaches Hurt, Too

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How about instead of an age limit you need to meet certain criteria - at least one joint in your body must creak, pop, crack or ache when moved.

Only one joint that creaks, pops, cracks, or aches? I'd say we set the minimum at 2 or 3.
You can still type? I have speak to text installed. I can't lift my arms any more :)
I type telepathically...too many kicks to the jaw for speech recognition.

(Just kidding. But during stretching yesterday a kid was grossed out by how much my joints crack).
Thank-you to dunno, CoachGoofy and CoachTodd for making my day!
While we clinic at least twice a year on proper spotting techniques and back stabilization we have all injured ourselves "saving a gymnast's life" Something just takes over and you sacrifice yourself for the safety of your gymnast. I am glad that parents here on CB acknowledge what we do.
The weird thing about getting smacked in the head. I don't realize it until the skills done. I'm like, "I think you elbowed me in the chin"
That was just Monday.
Had pretty bad wrist tendonitis where any turning motion caused pain in both wrists, the shoulder that does the brunt of the work acts up from time to time (mainly from savings cheer tumblers that decide to bail), the knees are a mystery occasionally they decide to act up and I am not really sure from what (perhaps kneeling on floor/tumble-trak too much). A friend of mine is a physical therapist so so far I've rehabbed back from all the injuries 100 percent.

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