In the vast majority of sports, coaches are there at the ceremonial award moment... If a football team wins a championship, the coach doesn't congratulate the kid who scored the winning touchdown in the 4 quarter and then high-tail it out of there as soon as the clock runs out leaving the kids and parents to raise the trophy on the field. I think we as gymnastics parents who think it's perfectly fine that coaches don't attend awards cause they work so hard for all the other kids besides our kid's team, are giving the gyms an easy pass on this one...staffing or meet schedules should be such that a coach can be there for awards for all teams more often than not (understand sometimes exceptions occur). Would an elite coach not attend the medal ceremony at the Olympics cause they've been there all day and want to get something to eat? So we're saying just cause these kids are "only level 3's and 4's" it's okay for their coach to not be there?
For the most part, my daughter's teams have had coaches attend her awards on a very consistent basis, so it's really not been an issue for her...even at state meets when there is just one or two girls in a session, coaches make an effort to stay. Maybe it's a regional thing cause I think most gyms around here do this.
The football coach usually doesn't have to coach another game right after that one, so the comparison is invalid.
Our HC is lucky if she even gets to see her own daughter's awards session.
A typical (non-home) meet for HC:
Out the door between 5 and 530am. She usually drives another coach with her and the other coach meets her at her house, so that coach is up even earlier.
With session 1 girls as early as 745am.
Grab food and coffee as she can.
Meets are typically 4 sessions (so we only need to do 1 day meets).
Stretching for the next session starts even before awards are scheduled to start. Awards often don't finish until AFTER the new session has started. I know this because I am there for all sessions and go to awards to get placements (sometimes the host team emails results to HC, and I need them sooner). Then I have to rush back to get scores for the next session. Thankfully, I have my brother to also get scores (not available anywhere after the fact except the papers the coaches get).
Final session typically starts warm up around 630-7pm. Awards don't start until close to 10pm.
I understand HC not really wanting to stick around when she has a 2ish hour drive home (then the other coach has an additional 25 minute drive after that.
We do have a couple coaches that come for fewer sessions and sometimes, one of them will go to awards if they aren't coaching the next session, but it doesn't happen every meet.