Anon Competing as an adult (MAG)

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Hey guys, i want to be a competitive gymnast. I started when i was 22, but i do sports since i was 16 years old.
I dont know if its possible, heard many opinions about that.
What should i do in order to use my time the best way i could?
I Take around 3-4 gymnastics classes per week, and 2-3 strength sessions.
Would i be able to reach lvl 10? And if so, would it be possible to get beyond that? I do have time, and i try to make more time for training in every way possible. Im very commited and very consistent about it.
And anyway, is there any adult gymnastics competitions that i can find outside of my country? Because we dont have one here unfortunately
I don’t know how it works where you live. But for us (Australia), yes, it’s absolutely possible. There a no age limits on competitions, you can compete at any age at any level. As long as you don’t mind training and competing with kids and you find a gym who is happy with that too.
And is it possible to compete in a different country?
And what about getting to lvl 10 in my age, is it possible to get to to it and beyond?
IDK if you're looking in the US where I am, because "outside my country" is a big world, no matter where you live.
Here in the US, you would be affiliated with a gym. Your USAG membership has the gym right on it and I don't think you can sign up without one. My guess is that it has to do with insurance/liability/safety/where do we send the lawyers etc.
Good luck!
In Australia there are no age limits. You can compete here, but you need to be affikiyekth a gym and have a registered coach take you to competition.

Where I am the majority of gymnastics clubs have classes for adults. I’m not sure why it’s so rare in the US. The cost of insurance for adults versed kids for gyms is EXACTLY the same, the injury rates in the adults are far lower. The kids are much more likely to get injured because they have the added pressure of growth and physical change in their bodies.

I would start by looking around that site and contacting people.

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