competing tomorrow!

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ahhhhhh my gosh im so nervous, competing tomorrow and sunday, canada games trials. so nervous, but its been a long time in the gym training and getting ready for this competition. Ahhh!
I know you only have one more day but I hope today went Well ans you kick butt tomorrow! Btw what Are the Canada games?z Good luck!!!
Canada games is a national level competition that happens once every 4 years. It is pretty much like an olympics for Canada. I came second all around, which is all that matters because im hoping to compete all around at the games. The meet is pretty much the same format as the olympics, top 2 or 3 do all around, and then event specialists at event finals, and then theres qualifications etc. I have competed 3 times so far, and have been in the top 3 all 3 meets, so so far so good. I compete one last time Sunday morning, and then find out Sunday afternoon whether or not i make the team. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
Well you're off to an amazing g start and I'm sure you will continue to do just as well! Even more good luck wishes!!!!!! Keep us updated!
So i might be going crazy but I think I failed to let you know that I qualified in 2nd so not only did i make the team, i made the all around :) So i will be competing in the United States in January and then Canada Games is in February! Im super excited and thanks for all the support :)

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