I understand all of your post because I asked my DD gymnastics coach about it. By my understanding, the gymnastics center did not have their althes enter "the Champion of state compeition". That is why I tried to figure out which gymnastics I should put my DD into right place.
I know that level 9/10 received the champion on their each age group, then enter West or East gymnastics compeition? They can enter America Hope or Classis or Cup compietion by invite. But my preious experience, I tried to research TOPS program and it was sad that my states did not support TOPS programs also my DD gymnastics did not support. That is why, I feel that different states option is different also as like West sports most support than East sport?? because usa gymnastics required gymnastics coash offer their athles and not allow some athes want to try theirself to enroll?? That is my thought..