Corky's second qualifier was last weekend in Oshawa.
Her Sever's has been acting up again so we weren't sure she would be able to compete. She has been going to physio again and has orthotics in her shoes, is wearing her tuli's cheetahs along with something called Fabs. It looks like this will be something she has to deal with each time she grows.
Friday morning another gym mom and I drove to Detroit to pick up the girl's warm-up jackets. We ordered them back in October from GK but for some reason they weren't ready. Anyways we get the jackets open the box and our club logo is missing from the back.
We call the coach and give her the heads up. She calls GK they look up order and can't figure out why it took so long so they offer up all our jeweling which includes our logo free.
They also offered to pay any extra shipping costs we incur.
We return to the gym to pick up our daughters and my friend heads to her house. I leave with my daughter to meet her at her house to drop off my car but I didn't make it that far. I had to go down an unfamiliar road due to a bridge being out and caught some very soft muddy shoulder. I lost control of my van, thought I regained it and quickly realized I didn't. Thankfully I missed the house and the barn. I did however go down the ditch, ramp up a culvert and go airborne landing on the front passenger corner before coming back down and spinning around.
I was quite worried about Corky and thankfully she appeared to be alright. Shock sets in fairly quickly I'm in the middle of a farmer's field near the lake and cell phone service can be sketchy. I try calling my friend and hubby policemanto let them know whats happened. I reach the hubby first and scare him half to death. He calls dispatch for me and gives them my location and number. The ambulance was there very quickly and so were my hubby's co-workers. I think I was in too much shock to be embarrassed. Corky gets checked out seems to be alright except for some scratches from a booster seat that went flying at her. My knee huts and my chest feels tight but other than that I feel pretty blessed. My car gets towed away, insurance company called and hubby really wants us to come home and rest. Corky however really wants to go even if she doesn't feel up to competing. I tell her Dad that if he wants her to stay home he has to tell her. She approaches and I tell her Daddy wants us to come home with him and not go to the meet. She looks at him with tears starting to form in her eyes and pleads with him to let her go. He of course can;'t break her little heart anymore than I can and says go ahead. In hindsight he was right I especially should have stayed home. Adrenaline is a crazy thing, I felt horrible after the 3.5 hour drive to the hotel. My neck and back had stiffened up and my knee and chest were throbbing. I took some good medicine and off to sleep I went.
Corky still said she was feeling up to the meet the next morning so we got ready for the meet. She registered around 10 am so we had a bit of a sleep in. First event was vault which she has been traing lightly due to the pain in her heels. Seemed to have a bit of a pike position from my angle but overall a decent vault for her. Score 10.95 good for 7th place. For her level they are assigned an A score 2.8 is full value and an execution score out of 10 add both together for the total.
Next up was bars: Warm-ups looked good her confidence has really been increasing on this event. Her timing seemed a bit off at one point during her routine and she didn't get credit for a cast to 45 so she had an A score of 2.3. Total score was 10.8 no placement.
Beam: Solid routine, a few wobbles and hesitations scored 11.4 good for 5th place.
Floor: Took her few times to tumble backwards she dislikes tumbling when she isn't sure if the other girls will wait but she got it after a few turns. Her front tumbling looked strong in warm-up. Her turn comes up she seems to wait forever for the announcer to call her name and start the music. Her first pass ROBHSBT looks good, she hesitates when she finishes before presenting for some unknown reason. Her dance steps feel a little rushed especially her double turn. Beautiful leaps split then side split. Last tumbling line FHSFP She lands it looks like directly on her heels then falls to her bottom. I think she may have hurt herself because I'm watching through my little Cannon. She gets up fairly quickly and finishes the routine. I'm glad it's over! Score 10.05 a fall is a full point here.
Overall a decent day considering her heels and the car accident. Not her best meet but she didn't want to sit out. Coaches have made a few changes in her bar routine for next meet. She was hoping for a higher all around score because here they take your highest 2 qualifier scores and average them before ranking you. You only have 3 chances and her first meet had a fall on beam during the BWOBWO series so she lost the series and had the fall deduction. Anyways my mature little monkey said if she doesn't make it to Ontario Cup she will just start working on next season's stuff. I admire her resiliency!
If you have made it this far bless your heart and thanks for taking the time to read. Her is the link to the youtube channel to see the videos for yourself!
YouTube - Corky's Level 6 Beam Routine 2nd Qualifier Jan 2010
Her Sever's has been acting up again so we weren't sure she would be able to compete. She has been going to physio again and has orthotics in her shoes, is wearing her tuli's cheetahs along with something called Fabs. It looks like this will be something she has to deal with each time she grows.
Friday morning another gym mom and I drove to Detroit to pick up the girl's warm-up jackets. We ordered them back in October from GK but for some reason they weren't ready. Anyways we get the jackets open the box and our club logo is missing from the back.

We return to the gym to pick up our daughters and my friend heads to her house. I leave with my daughter to meet her at her house to drop off my car but I didn't make it that far. I had to go down an unfamiliar road due to a bridge being out and caught some very soft muddy shoulder. I lost control of my van, thought I regained it and quickly realized I didn't. Thankfully I missed the house and the barn. I did however go down the ditch, ramp up a culvert and go airborne landing on the front passenger corner before coming back down and spinning around.

Corky still said she was feeling up to the meet the next morning so we got ready for the meet. She registered around 10 am so we had a bit of a sleep in. First event was vault which she has been traing lightly due to the pain in her heels. Seemed to have a bit of a pike position from my angle but overall a decent vault for her. Score 10.95 good for 7th place. For her level they are assigned an A score 2.8 is full value and an execution score out of 10 add both together for the total.
Next up was bars: Warm-ups looked good her confidence has really been increasing on this event. Her timing seemed a bit off at one point during her routine and she didn't get credit for a cast to 45 so she had an A score of 2.3. Total score was 10.8 no placement.
Beam: Solid routine, a few wobbles and hesitations scored 11.4 good for 5th place.
Floor: Took her few times to tumble backwards she dislikes tumbling when she isn't sure if the other girls will wait but she got it after a few turns. Her front tumbling looked strong in warm-up. Her turn comes up she seems to wait forever for the announcer to call her name and start the music. Her first pass ROBHSBT looks good, she hesitates when she finishes before presenting for some unknown reason. Her dance steps feel a little rushed especially her double turn. Beautiful leaps split then side split. Last tumbling line FHSFP She lands it looks like directly on her heels then falls to her bottom. I think she may have hurt herself because I'm watching through my little Cannon. She gets up fairly quickly and finishes the routine. I'm glad it's over! Score 10.05 a fall is a full point here.
Overall a decent day considering her heels and the car accident. Not her best meet but she didn't want to sit out. Coaches have made a few changes in her bar routine for next meet. She was hoping for a higher all around score because here they take your highest 2 qualifier scores and average them before ranking you. You only have 3 chances and her first meet had a fall on beam during the BWOBWO series so she lost the series and had the fall deduction. Anyways my mature little monkey said if she doesn't make it to Ontario Cup she will just start working on next season's stuff. I admire her resiliency!
If you have made it this far bless your heart and thanks for taking the time to read. Her is the link to the youtube channel to see the videos for yourself!
YouTube - Corky's Level 6 Beam Routine 2nd Qualifier Jan 2010