Cortisone? Who uses/used it?

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Before anyone replies to this I want to know why are you asking this question?

The Chalkbucket has to tread a very careful line between protecting privacy in mediacl issues. Also we cannot allow medical advice to be given out as we are not insured for malpractice, we are not doctors!

So please be careful if you answer. This thread may not last for long........
Oh no! nothing like that!
I was just wondering because it was on Make it or Break it and because its content isn't always accurate i wanted to know if people actually use it.
i used it once. when i was training there was me and one other girl at my club who used it as far as i know she only ever used it twice and i used it once coming up to state champs because i was in so much pain i couldnt do anything but i knew it was going to be my last comp so i wanted to do well. both the other gymnast and i attended the same physio who worked closely with our club. we had long discussions before making the decisions. in the end it was the best choice for me cause my injuries weren't going to get any worse while using it.
I have used it a few times. I have been injured a lot in the sport and most of the time, I would work through the pain. Sometimes the pain got so bad I would get really dizzy. My coach was the one that suggested it.
Oh no! nothing like that!
I was just wondering because it was on Make it or Break it and because its content isn't always accurate i wanted to know if people actually use it.

people do use it for joint pain control. My mom (72) uses it in both her knees due to arthritis. There are lots of athelets that do use it but I think if you need it to compete then its time to think about giving it up.
people do use it for joint pain control. My mom (72) uses it in both her knees due to arthritis. There are lots of athelets that do use it but I think if you need it to compete then its time to think about giving it up.

See, I completely disagree with that! This is a very physically demanding sport and we are all going to get hurt at some point. Sometimes the pain can be too much and we need a little help, that's all. This is a pain reliever that is perfectly legal in the sport. Therefore, quitting shouldn't be an option!
Some girls have dreams much greater than pain.
I had to use it for my back when i was in a gymnastics meet because i was having pains and it was the olny way i could compete gymnastics is my life:)
I was just wondering because it was on Make it or Break it and because its content isn't always accurate i wanted to know if people actually use it.
Ha! I saw that coming.
My parents and I have agreed corisone is not good for me. Also some doctors, including mine, won't even allow kids to get cortisone shots. If a gymnast has problems that are severe enough that they have to use cortisone multiple times in short amounts of time, then they need to take time off because there is most likely a serious injury.
I havn't heard of anyone using cortisone in a looong time! I used it 2 times for my right shoulder. Man it burned like crazy and I swear I could feel the needle scraping bone as they adjusted to the injection site. My usage of it was around 16, and it was done in conjunction with rest. I severely dislocated my shoulder, there was a more technical scary sounding name for it that I don't remember now, but it was pretty painful. The cortisone was for inflammation, not pain relief specifically. It can relieve pain due to inflammation, but I was told that in and of itself, it is not a pain reliever. Yay for advil or motrin! I was not allowed to use the shoulder. My arm was in a sling for 2 weeks, no pressure the third so I did alot of beam and floor dance stuff, I resumed impact skills on it gradually after 4 weeks. It's very easy to get lulled into a false sense of security once inflammation is gone, so I'm a big believer in resting if things get bad enough for cortisone.
My coaches dont allow cortisone in order to carry on training/competing. They say if its bad enough to need cortisone its bad enough to need rest. Ive never used it in my life but one girl in my team moved from another gym quite recently and she has had one shot when she got a back problem.
I think this topic is very interesting, because I just got a shot today!
I think it is also important to state whether you are using it under a doctor's care or not. I knew girls that obtained it through a doctor, but the doctor did not maintain or even follow up with them. I have used it before, but always very strictly under a doctor's care. This is also mainly due to the fact that I cannot take oral pain killers (like Tylenol or Motrin) because of a pre-existing medical problem. So the shot is better healthwise for me personally than taking it by mouth - but that is not for everyone either, and it was a major decision made by my parents, myself and my doctors. I have learned to suck up most of the pain, but when it gets bad enough that most other people would have downed a bottle of tylenol, I go in and get a shot. Mind you, this happens maybe twice a year - so it is not often enough for a serious healthrisk due to the steriod use. I got my first shot when I was 11 years old ... and most recently today, for my knee.
And unlike the scene in Make It or Break It, the shot is not as easily given as they make it out to be. Girls usually do not give it to themselves, at least not if it is a mix provided by a doctor.
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i have gotten a cortisone shot but i am not a gymnast:) i got it when i was 11 but well it was for a exima (rash) on my legs
i disagree.
i have had a cortisone shot in both my ankles. and afterward it doesnt hurt. you should not have to give up what you love doing because of pain. everyone gets hurt but getting back up and fighting it will make you stronger. just my opinion...
I don't use cortisone, I use biofreeze! It is amazing. My shins usually hurt if we vault for any large amount of time, so I just use biofreeze and it feels like an ice pack only way better!

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