Parents Crop tops and shorts

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We just moved gyms and the new gym allows the 2 piece outfits. Her old gym was a lot more strict, leos only, they couldn't even wear bar shorts. She now wants to wear nothing but 2 pieces and I'm ok with that. It's super hot in her gym but even if it wasn't I would be ok with her wearing them.
nor in ours. Girls wear leos and shorts/leggings. Boys wear singlets/compression shirts and shorts. Our owners insist on appropriate apparel..boys can't' even take shirts off when working out.
Two pieces always seem so uncomfortable for gymnastics. Sweaty chalky bare torsos doesn't look very fun. I think the two pieces should be left to dance.
Funny this should come up today. I took DD age 9 to the early uncrowded open gym for younger kids last night. Sometimes at home she puts on a hand me down sports bra and gymnastics shorts to jump on the trampoline and says she looks like a dancer or cheer girl. It's not my favorite look. She had that on along with a looser tank for open gym last night. I cringed to look up and see the shorts with bra only being worn. After a couple of baby giants she had what looked like a rope burn on her exposed stomach. Today she couldn't even wear her bathingsuit top at the beach. I don't think she will ever want to not wear a leo to the gym again.
Not allowed in our gym. Doesn't matter the length of the top....... Spotting issue.

And I'm sure that that resolves a lot of other issues as well. I'm absolutely OK with that too.
Owwww...those sound just painful in the gym! No way we are sporting those as Pea and I are currently butting heads about whether those tiny tush shorts and a leo are an actual outfit! :rolleyes:

Hehe DD and I fight over leo's not being an outfit to wear outside the gym almost daily, "but mom they are so pretty and sparkly and comfy". Our gym only allows leo's with shorts or leggings unless it's the recreational kids and they can wear whatever but most still wear leos.
It is very common at my daughter's gym. In fact I can't think of anyone there over about nine who regularly trains in a one piece. I asked the head coach about it once and she said that it gets so hot in there that some days any scrap of unnecessary fabric is torture. Fans on a sweaty tummy are cooling. Fans on a nylon clad tum aren't. She said that the men and boys are often shirtless soon into their training session for the same reason.

I don't have an issue with a well fitted two piece, one that isn't too small and is cut for comfort and function. If it becomes an issue of function, causing problems with bar training, I'd put a stop to it.
Our club allows them during summer. At first I as a coach thinked it was a little bit strange that their little bellies were uncovered and spotting them was a little bit uncomfortable but now I have used to them. Actually what they wear is a sports bra, not a crop top. In the past just older elite stream girls wore them because the stores didn't sell children sizes, but then someone of the little ones realized that the smallest size adult XS is actually so small that even a tiny 7 year old can wear it. And then the kids told each other and their parents and now almost all of our team kids wear them during summer. During winter they are not recommended and actually it is also too cold to wear two pieces.

None of the girls have complained about bars hurting without a leo.

The older girls of mine usually wear a sports bra and tank top over it after age 12 when they are no longer required to wear a leo. During summer they sometimes take their tank tops off but because they are just hitting puberty they are very conscient about their bodies and muscles and everything and I don't like it how they compare their six packs... When they start that talk again I usually ask them to put the tops back on and stop talking.
Owwww...those sound just painful in the gym! No way we are sporting those as Pea and I are currently butting heads about whether those tiny tush shorts and a leo are an actual outfit! :rolleyes:

My oldest dd decided in her wisdom to turn up in her p.e lesson in her leotard and gym shorts - she was going to an after school gymnastics club and she didn't want to be late lol, the p.e teacher just advised dd that she shouldn't wear them with her p.e shorts and t shirt over the top as she could get sunburnt.
They are ALLOWED in gym, but it is rare to see them. There are 2 girls in tumbling class that wear them... but team isn't there on that day. Some of the rec girls that ALSO do dance wear them.

Our gym gets really hot, but most girls still wear just leos -with or without shorts.
My YG owns a crop top and short set - it's really cute... but she only wears it for bed, lol.
I did have my DD in a tight lycra tank top that didn't expose belly and shorts for a while. She was 4 and it made bathroom breaks sooooo much faster! :)
I think this is perfect for a preschooler. It still covers them and doesn't flip up, but allows for an easier trips tot he potty.

In our gym, I've never seen anyone with a crop top on. Girls in rec and pre-team don't always wear leos, but tighter tops and shorts or leggings that still cover their mid-section. Team girls are required to wear leos. They can wear shorts, but the coach encourages them to sometimes practice without them, so they are used to it at meets.
Shortly before we left my DD's old gym, her team absorbed a team from another gym in town that was closing. All of the "new" girls wore two pieces and within a week almost all of the existing girls started wearing them too. I am not comfortable with my daughter wearing a bikini at the beach so two pieces in the gym was a no go in our house.
Just so you don't think I am a total prude - I did buy her a pair of the Justice spandex shorts to wear at the gym with "Justice" in the behind. It killed me but she really wanted them and I figured inside the gym only was ok. Luckily she quickly out grew them!
Shortly before we left my DD's old gym, her team absorbed a team from another gym in town that was closing. All of the "new" girls wore two pieces and within a week almost all of the existing girls started wearing them too. I am not comfortable with my daughter wearing a bikini at the beach so two pieces in the gym was a no go in our house.
Just so you don't think I am a total prude - I did buy her a pair of the Justice spandex shorts to wear at the gym with "Justice" in the behind. It killed me but she really wanted them and I figured inside the gym only was ok. Luckily she quickly out grew them!

Oh no- words on the butt is where I draw the line. Hubby hates bikinis and would veto a sports bra or crop top for workouts, but the words on the butt are my pet peeve. It would kill me too.
Never seen it in our gym.

Stick It got that wrong too. That was one of my first complaints about that movie: gymnasts never (rarely ever) wear that kind of outfit in the gym.
I've seen a lot of the bigger girls at out gym take down the straps of their leos and have a sports bra under with shorts. Technically the leo is still on just folded down. It looks strange but I'm sure it's cooler.
Not permitted in our gym. The gymnasts don't even wear shorts over their leos. The cheer girls do wear shorts.
My daughter has eyed them jealously when older girls have worn them in our gym. They do seem too be allowed but not by me. She has to be 30 before she can trot around with her midriff showing. And, even then, she is not allowed.

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