Well i guess the question is a little vague. I am not sure what advice to give you, because one you are a gymnast, and i take it you want to improve your gymnastics specific conditioning on the other hand you don't want to repeat stuff which gears workout to general fitness.
My advice would be this.
Depending on how many days you want to do stuff. Do something along these lines
Depending on how many days you are going to train you should list out about a dozen conditioning exercises in 3 groups. Shaping/Core/Abdominals, Legs, Upper Body. every training session randomly select 2-3 exercises from each list.
You could get even more technical, and make several lists, that seperate exercises from easy to medium to hard, to HARD HARD. That way you can variate the intensity as well depending on season, how you feel on that day, etc.
I am sorry if this isn't exactly what you are after. For me to start listing exercises, sets, reps ect. I would need to know your goals with this extra conditioning, how often you are training now, what you already do at gym, how often what kind of sets, reps etc.. Pretty much a lot more detail. So for a general question i can only reply with a general reply.
Hope that helps and let me know if you want more, and what it is exactly that you need.