Parents DD got a visit from the beam fairy!!

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Aug 7, 2008
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DD got her back walkover on beam!! She was so excited! Her coach had the level 4 coach come over and watch her do it and a few of the higher level team girls came over too and were giving her high fives. I dont know what she was more excited about, getting her back walkover on beam or getting high fives from the "big girls"! I was so proud of her!
Thanks for letting me share. :)
That is such a huge skill, fear wise, to conquer. She is right to feel thrilled, glad they made a big deal about it!!
Wow! And she is only 4!! Congrats to her! :)
That is amazing! Well done to her. My dd is 8 and is learning that too but not quite there yet. Y:)our dd is very talented.
Very nice! It's always nice to have that momment when they just do something BIG. So nice all the other gymies hi-fived her & made a huge deal about it. It means a lot to the little ones to be recognized by their older teamates.
Thats awesome! She should certainly be proud- and so should you, momma! :) Its always neat to see them beam when they accomplish a new skill.
Congrats to both of your dd's! I have seen alot of girls struggle with there backwalkover's on the beam due to fear issues .Good job girls!
Gymgirl0805 - congrats to your dd! I need to get a video of my dd on beam - our viewing area makes it really hard to get a good view of the girls when they are on beam - and dd is so tiny its hard to see her! She is turning 5 next month and is convinced that she will be as tall as the other girls on her team:p. I dont have the heart to tell her the truth!
Ahhhh!!! That's awesome! Congratulations to her! So young and so talented! my dd will do it on the low beam, but won't even think of letting anyone spot her on the high beam yet...she's weird like that.

She is turning 5 next month and is convinced that she will be as tall as the other girls on her team:p. I dont have the heart to tell her the truth!

My dd just turned 5 last month - she was also convinced that she would be WAY BIGGER when she turned 5. In fact, when she woke up on her birthday, she headed straight for the full length mirror, stared at herself and started yelling "i'm bigger, I'm bigger, I'm bigger! Yes! Yes! Yes!" then she came out of the room and took me in there with her and said, "I'm bigger! It's awesome! Well, not that much bigger, but i'm bigger for sure!"

I just love them at this age - everything is so flippin' cute!
Sheplaysinthechalk - It sounds like our daughters are a lot alike! That is so cute about how your dd was saying how much bigger she was on her birthday! :) Its so funny how they are at this stage but I agree 100% its so cute!
Wow congradulations to your dd! She is very young for such a "big" scary skill like that. Don't you just love their little face when they do something for the first time.....It's Pricelesss!!

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