Parents Devastated Gymmie/Need HELP

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The old gym owner has rescheduled practice for tonight. He is having the recreation head coach help with the level 4 and he hired a collegiate to handle level 5 and the owner will take 6-10. He says he is in the works of hiring more higher qualified. So we will go to the old gym tonight and see what the atmosphere is and what other gymnasts show up.

I hope the workout goes well. Try to stay positive, right now tensions are high for all involved. Don't let it get on top of you if you can help it!

Unfortunately, the other parents (and myself) are very dissapointed with the owner's attitude towards this situation. He started a witch hunt so to speak, to see which families were planning to go elsewhere. Lawsuits were threatened if parents went to an upcoming major meet with the old coaches as independants. All that and we found out that the reason the coaches left was mostly due to his own unproffessional behavior and language towards the coaches.

That paragraph freaks me out a little. Lawsuits? Did he elaborate on how that's even possible? With witch hunts and disrespectful treatment of staff, keep your guard up for how the gymnasts are being talked to. I would think logically people who can't relate to adults respectfully may have trouble in moments of tension with kids. Just keep an eye open and an ear to the ground so to speak.
Yes, it's a mess and he is not acting well. He called me last night to ask which parent organized a walk out. #1) I didn't know what he was talking about. #2) Even if I did know, I wouldn't get involved. #3) That seemed innappropriate for him to ask and there was something in his tone that made me wary.

I will stay at the gym tonight. Usually we drop off but I agree, that this needs to be watched closely.
That should be interesting. It's probably a good thing you are staying. The owner is probably super defensive right now, and hopefully it will be handled well with the kids. That's what really matters!
That horrible!

OMG! If that was us I wouldn't know what to do either! I am sure it's going to get uglier before it gets better. It sounds like he is not prepared to handle the parents either and is paraniod. I was going to say wait it out to see what happnes. Our gym had a huge owner turnover years ago and the girls that stuck it out are very happy now. It was a couple years rebuilding, but now it is thriving and improving leaps and bounds. We are lucky that we have several good gymswithin a 25 minute radius. At least 3 or three. After hearing about the phone call he made to you either trying to get information or trying to squelch the rumors already circulating amongst the upset parents I would be a little leary too. I think the best thing for him to do is sit down with the team parents so everything can be explained or he'll loose his team over gossip and miscommunication. I'm so sorry you are going thru this. My DD would be devastated at the thought of being seperated from team friends and loosing beloved coach. I hope the truth comes out soon and descisions can be made with the least amount of drama possible for the sake of the children. ideal situation would be to keep the teams together and hope he comes up with coaching staff but that doesn't sound easy at the last minute. Most people (coaches) are in competition seasons and dedicated to their own gym programs already. Good luck!
I feel so bad for your dd and the rest of the teams.How long has this gym been in business? On the owners behalf praticully his whole staff walked out and he knows if he cannot find replacement coaches soon he his going to lose is teams and more then likely his whole business ,everything he has worked for could be gone. I would stick it out and see what happens. I am not to fond of coaches walking out in middle of season knowing these girls really have no where to go. I agree with watching ,I would defintly be hangeing out practice until thinks settle down. How did it go last night?
Give us an update! How did it go? If feel bad for the little girls, but especially bad for the upper level girls. I can see the amount of trust that is built at that level between coach and gymnast. Not that the lower level girls don't need the coaches as much, their skills are just less demanding/dangerous.
Thanks again

to everyone for your suggestions and empathy.

We went to practice last night and all the gymnasts were there. The owner hired an ex- college level gymnast certified for levels 4-9 so that is great news. We also had an elite coach come to visit us and she took over warm ups right away. She talked to the parents and was fantastic with the girls. Very tough but still positive. The girls seemed to like her and we are praying that she takes the job. I think we'll find out Monday.

Thank God, the owner had a parent meeting and apologized for his behavior. He admitted that the old head coach had to be fired but he could have handled the firing in a better way. If he had done that, maybe the other 3 wouldn't have left but what is done, is done.

Even better news! He is letting the girls go to the upcoming out-of-state meet that they have been planning all year with the old coaches. He will even let the girls work out with the old coaches at his gym on Saturday when he is not there. He apologized for his "lawsuit" language and said he "gets it", that this is about what is best for the girls. We are so grateful that he backed down from that fight because I think that was the deal breaker for wether the families would stick by him or leave.

This has been tough for all the levels but mostly for the optionals because their season is just now underway. They are very emotional but trying to pull themselves together to get through this. It is really hard for a few that have scholarships riding on this season. If you are the praying type, I'm sure they would appreciate any help to overcome this.

At any rate, we are going to stand by the owner and gym. It will take weeks to heal and rebuild trust but I think the program can be salvaged. It will just take some time. Besides, the other "lesser" gym that I spoke about really isn't an option. The facility was THAT bad and you would be better off commuting the 1 1/2 hours if you are to be anything above level 5.

Thanks again to all, I'm really glad I had this forum to be able to verbalize the stress of the situation.
At any rate, we are going to stand by the owner and gym.

BEST thing I read all day!
I couldn't imagine going the other direction based on your report.
That's really great news! Im so glad for you and DD.

FYI: I'm betting the whole "lawsuit" thing was just blowing wind. Unless you signed a non-compete agreement with the gym (very unlikely) you can do whatever the heck you like - including going to another gym. I can't imagine a lawyer taking such a case anyway.
WOW - sorry for what you have been through. Good luck to DD and you !! Keep us posted.
Sounds like the owner decided to stand up and be counted, good for him for publicly admitting his fault in this. Hopefully the new path he creates will be more beneficial to all involved.
:)I'm so glad that things are looking brighter. I'm happy to have been wrong about things (being pessimistic that is). It sounds like the owner will end up being a stand-up guy about everything and that maybe the program can not just be salvaged, but continue to prosper. Here's hoping that everything turns out well!
WOW! Great news and I think that he did the RIGHT thing. I think speaking to the parents and giving the truth is always the best. After all he is trying to run a bussiness and sometimes cvhanges happen or coaches need to be fired. I'm sure he did not want it to get out of hand like that, but the one coach probably felt wronged and embarassed and wanted the rest of the coaches in his/her corner which is how the walk-out occured. I hope the re-building goes smoothly and I hope the team does well in it's future meets. The positive side to this is that you may actually end up with better coaching!

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