The old gym owner has rescheduled practice for tonight. He is having the recreation head coach help with the level 4 and he hired a collegiate to handle level 5 and the owner will take 6-10. He says he is in the works of hiring more higher qualified. So we will go to the old gym tonight and see what the atmosphere is and what other gymnasts show up.
I hope the workout goes well. Try to stay positive, right now tensions are high for all involved. Don't let it get on top of you if you can help it!
Unfortunately, the other parents (and myself) are very dissapointed with the owner's attitude towards this situation. He started a witch hunt so to speak, to see which families were planning to go elsewhere. Lawsuits were threatened if parents went to an upcoming major meet with the old coaches as independants. All that and we found out that the reason the coaches left was mostly due to his own unproffessional behavior and language towards the coaches.
That paragraph freaks me out a little. Lawsuits? Did he elaborate on how that's even possible? With witch hunts and disrespectful treatment of staff, keep your guard up for how the gymnasts are being talked to. I would think logically people who can't relate to adults respectfully may have trouble in moments of tension with kids. Just keep an eye open and an ear to the ground so to speak.