Digital Video Camera Recommendation

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GymGirl's Mom

Proud Parent
Jun 3, 2010
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HELP!!! I have a Kodak Easy Share camera that takes great outdoor and indoor pics and video- but not in the gym. My pics and video in the gym always come out dark- no matter what setting I use.

DD has her first meet in Nov and I'd really love to video record it for out of town family. My camera is just not cutting it.

Do you have a digital video camera you just LOVE and works well in gym lighting. Not too expensive would be great too ($300 and under). Am I out of luck in this price range?
I would definitely ask where ever you buy it. You are not allowed to use the light on the video camera bc of meet rules (gets in gymnast's eyes) so you should tell the person that at the store. Hopefully they can give you some good advice!
Unless you are willing to spend a TON of money on a camera you are going to have a hard time inside a gym. I searched and searched last year and purchased a samsung digital camcorder. It does OK but not fantastic. The lighting can differ so much from gym to gym. I saw a video someone took with their dslr camera that looked really good. I think it was a canon rebel but not sure which model. Good luck and if you find one that works great let us know. I am sure other parents would love to get that information.

I use a Panasonic digital camcorder (standard definition) that records to digital tape. It works pretty well.

Some things to remember:
- Try not to have to use digital zoom (stick to just the optical zoom range); the quality degrades.
- Make sure the auto focus/auto exposure is working correctly.
- The panasonic has a feature to adjust for backlighting; set it correctly for the gym once you are there as it will differ wherever you go.
- The lights in the gym will cause problems; get used to it. Sometimes there will be an orange tint; sometimes a blue tint. This is due to the type of lights being used in the gym (sodium vapor or mercury vapor).
- Try not to shoot toward uncovered windows; this will really mess up the auto exposure control.
- When trying to capture fast motion, don't be zoomed in too tightly; you won't be able to keep up and the image will be very blurred.
- Try to test the camera in the store before you buy it.
- Be aware of what media the camera is recording to as you will have to get the video off the camera at some point. Be sure to have the capability to do that on your computer.

Good Luck.
Actually, you can be much more successful videoing than trying to take photos inside a gym. You really need great equipment to take adequate photos. Whereas, you can get very decent videos with affordable cameras.

For this video, I shot using a sanyo FH1 which goes from anywhere between 249-329 on Amazon. This camera is great in that it records in 1080p/60 fps - this allows you to slow the video down to 50-80% and still get smooth motion. Great for the coaches to trouble shoot the gymnasts. It also does decent in the crappy gym lights.

YouTube - Taralyn level 4 Begonia Gymfest

For this video, I shot using my digital SLR camera (canon 7d, but even the entry level rebel has video). Most SLR cameras now have the ability to shoot video. They excel over normal video cameras in that they have amazing resolution and have great low light ability. They give the video a more film-like appearance rather than a home video appearance. Unfortunately, they lack many of the features you take for granted in a normal camcorder (autofocus, smooth zooms, stabilization, etc) though this is changing.

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Another camera to look at if in your budget, is the panasonic Tm700 - great low light ability, great stabilzation, and also very high resolution/framerate.
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I really like this camera, it's a regular digital camera with video capability, but it works SO well in low light. There's an indoor/low light setting, and it really makes a difference. So, it's good for meets.
I have a Sony handycam and I think it works great. I've never had any issues with lighting. I just turn it on and point. I think my videos come out very nice. I also have a DSLR camera and I can't use that thing to save my life. :)
We're kind of snobs when it comes to our audio/visual stuff, but having tried other major brands, I have to say that SONY is the only way to does cost more than others, but in the long run, well worth it - the quality of the video (and the one I have takes still shots too) is AMAZING. And the zoom is unbelievable - it doesn't matter now where I sit, I can zoom in and see the sweat on my kids' brow from clear across the venue! (OK, maybe that's a little exaggerated, but I can actually zoom right up to their faces from large venues where I'm in the stands.)

SONY HandyCam HD is an amazing videocamera - highly recommend!
Shop around - deals can be found if you're willing to research. Canon PowerShot SX20IS 12.1MP Digital Camera with 20x Wide Angle Optical Image Stabilized Zoom and 2.5-inch Articulating LCD: Electronics

That is what I would get right now if I could. I have an older version of this type of camera and I LOVE it. I shoot pics and video with the same camera. Very easy at meets. I can video the meet and take pics at awards. The one I have now is no longer made and I will be very sad when I have to replace it BUT I know what I will want when the time comes!!
The thing with consumer camcorders is you'll get results that look like home videos - which is great if that is what you want.

But if you are interested in gymnastics cinematography, here are some additional examples of what a digital SLR can accomplish:

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I have a cannon powershot too..older model and have taken videos of my daughter in several different gyms. I get pretty good results even in the gym last weekend that had very poor lighting.
This thread has inspired me... I have some birthday money burning a hole in my pocket and now I'm thinking maybe I need a camcorder before Kathy's first level 5 meet! I would love something super-simple... easy to use, easy to download, easy to edit and post on facebook (or here). I don't need bells and whistles... just enough that I can say "that's my Kathy and didn't she do a nice job!" and would like to spend less than $200. Would love something like the Flip Mano, but that only has 2x zoom. Realistically, is that enough for your average gym meet?
Let me just throw in this piece of advice - don't go cheap on your video recorder...truly the memories are priceless and if you've ever looked at the prices of photos and video that the meet vendors charge, you'll understand why I say this.

It's an investment in memories (and not just of gymnastics, but of the school spring production, birthdays, school awards, graduations, etc.!)

The consumer cameras and recorders on the market today rival any "professional" work despite what some will try to tell you - you just need to do your research before you buy (as with any big ticket item). This is redundant as I think someone already stated this, but on features, you'll want to know how it does in low light, zoom capability, and most importantly, how will you export the file to your computer! Some only work with PCs, some only with Macs, so be very thorough in your research.

There are several really good consumer comparison/research sites which will provide you loads of information. Just Google and read away! Cnet I think is one really good site, and obviously but that one is limited info for free, full info costs. Quality is what you need to buy, not necessarily quantity of features (though it seems that the quality ones have more bells and whistles.)

If you have more than one child, the investment is even more of a no-brainer. You don't need to pay someone to take good video or photos, and quality equipment will be good for years to come. Consider it an early holiday present!
My family, we're kind of snobs with technology and my dad has used 2 video cameras both from sony and he liked both. But the one i recommend is the one i used to film team mates at state and my dad and mum used to film me.

Sony Handycam hard disk drive: Great quality film, can film in HD and up to 1080p.

Footage using this camera
YouTube - My Gymnastics Routines

For my birthday a few days ago i got a Canon 500d SLR camera and i have yet to try video properly but so far so good. I agree with tomtnt on the slr it will get you very good videos but SLR cameras are pricey :)

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