Oh, Suds, you mean like this? It didn't even have to be crowd sourced or privately funded.
Today it is USAG and MSU on the hot seat. What sport/institution will be next?
Until there is cultural change and legislative reform, it's going to keep happening. Predators will continue to test different organizations to find their weak spots and exploit them, and people will continue to disbelieve victims and trust and believe predators. I do think gymnastics can do better, and I believe that it will, but that's not going to solve the underlying problem. It is happening right now, right this minute, in the foster care system, but there are no marquee victims and no deep pockets there to chase, thanks in part to the DeShaney ruling that denies responsibility on the part of the state for recognizing and stopping abuse.
I'm impressed with Manly's media strategy. I hope that the victims of Larry Nassar ultimately get what they need most to recover and heal. I also sincerely hope that none are under any pressure whatsoever to release information that they do not want to make public.