It is a verbal; worth as much the paper its printed on. A ton of things can happen between now and then. She hasn't even taken a single college admission test or pre-test; she has no academic record; she has to be able to last another 4 years as a level 10. My bet - 50-50 she actually goes to LSU.
Sometimes I think these kids just say "I am going to LSU" and that gets spread around as a verbal commit when in fact there hasn't been a bit of communication with the college (because there can't be) other than going to a summer camp.
I agree sometimes it is a kid just saying "I'm going to LSU". The NCAA coach is not allowed to comment publicly about a recruit until they sign a NLI or fill out financial aid paper work their senior year, so you have to take the kids word on it. But there can be and is communication between the gymnast and NCAA coach. It can be on campus, done through the the club coach or the gymnast can call the NCAA coach. All 3 of these happen regularly. 8th grade gymnasts are visiting colleges this fall. Football game weekends are a big recruiting opportunity for gymnasts with their families. NCAA coaches are offering scholarships to 8th grade kids and some do verbally commit. One of the many odd things about an 8th grade committing is if a gymnast is at the level to be considered that early in their career they would likely have numerous opportunities. So the only advantage is for the college. There are very few gymnasts who have trouble academically or with college board testing. Look at the list of GPA's of the NCAA gymnastic teams. These are some of the best student-athletes in each University. So even though the kid hasn't taken a high high school class the assumption is that this kid will not have any difficulty with the school work.