We're not supposed to stay and watch either, though HC does seem to cut the parents who drive long distances some slack, as long as they are not actively watching practice the whole time (they bring a book, their laptop, etc.). We have a very elaborate "house-of-cards" carpool system set up which seems to be working for the most part. I wouldn't be able to drop her off at practice anyway because her practice starts at the same time I get out of work. I can sometimes catch the last bit of practice when I pick up, which gives me a bit of a gymnastics "fix" but it's hard in the summer when her practice time is during the day while I'm at work, and of course in the summer there are no meets or other opportunities for me to see what she's up to. And she's 12 so, for the most part, I get one syllable answers when I ask about gym. Maybe I can give her a survey to complete every two weeks or so in the summer.
1. The skill(s) I have made the most progress on in the last two weeks are ________.
2. The skills I am struggling with are __________.
3. On a scale of 1 to 10, the amount I am enjoying gymnastics right now is _____.
4. I (am) (am not) having conflicts with any of my coaches and/or teammates (if yes, please explain).
5. I have gotten positive feedback from my coaches a) hourly, b) daily c) every couple of days, e) weekly, f) only very occasionally g) not at all. Please list most memorable examples.
6. I have gotten negative feedback from my coaches a) hourly, b) daily c) every couple of days, e) weekly, f) only very occasionally g) not at all. Please list most memorable examples.
7. I (do) (do not) have any parts of my body that hurt beyond just general soreness. If yes, please list.
8. I have "gotten" the following skills in the past two weeks:
9. I have "lost" the following skills in the past two weeks:
10. Please list any other information, overheard conversations, drama, rumors, or speculation that you have become aware of that you know your dear old mom would just love to know.
What do you think? Do you think she'll go for it? Who was it who wanted to know what a CGM is?