Does any one always wear there hair up??

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haha yes. ive been made fun of for never wearing it down & ive actually been told that my hair is going to grow weird in a ponytail or something. i never wear it down unless i straighten it & i never feel like it. & i hate wearing it down when its all curly & all.

i do exactly the same... always have it up...gym...uni...home ... always up my mum says my hair line will grow backwards but my hair looks reli awkward down
Since I got really into classes and gym, I ALWAYS wear it in a low ponytail or bun. It's just easier to do that in the morning before school, since after school it was a hassle having to get to dance/gym and doing my hair was one less thing to worry about.

Now that I'm in college and not training as intensely, I can wear my hair down more. But it's at an awkward length right now and feels weird on the back of my neck. What's a girl to do?

At my gym we have to have our hair up no matter what, if we don't have our hair up then we can't do our regular things we usually do, so yeah I guess I always wear my hair up but I always have my hair very stylish.

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