Parents Does your gymmie get a snack break?

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I have the same problem as Panda mom, DD runs off in the morning to Summer practice without hardly eatting a thing. I imagine I would not want to go "work -out" on a full belly either. She complains her belly hurts. 2 Days/week she practices 8:30-12:45 so we are thankful for the snack times. I happen to LOVE (she does too) the Quaker Oatmeal-to-go bars so she can nibble thruout the morning to sustain her energy.

Just my opinion but the little ones should get a snack break, especially for the long practices. When my DD does the 1-4:30 practice she is usually fine w/just some grapes or fruit b/c I know she had a good (late) breakfast before she left.
***I really want to know if anyone has an opinion on my big issue with all this, the fact that her coach told us something totally different than what the girls were told. I am still really upset about this.

The best thing I can do is guess. But I would think maybe the "messes" issue was the original reason to stop the snacks, maybe a snap decision directly related to a recent clean up. Then, maybe the coaches thought it through and decided the girls didn't really need it and they could get in extra rotations without the break. Then when the moms asked, they gave them those reasons. Or maybe the coaches decided to stop the breaks and were just giving the girls a hard time when they said they made too big a mess. I really don't think there was anything devious going on. It is only snack breaks, after all.

I am imagining it is a bit of both things as well, but they had just told the girls 5 minutes before and they all came over to us sad about it. Then when one of the mom's asked, it was a different story. I guess since I don't like to guilt kids into things, and since mine is upset because she feels it is unfair since she didn't leave messes, it bugs me. And do they not think that the girls tell us what they are told??
My DD got sick one time after eating in the car on the way to practice. Now she won't eat close to practice. I even tried to explain to her that it must have been a fluke, since she has been eating her snacks and then practicing, but she won't do it. It was a day when she was in the devo class and she got there and within a few minutes they were doing handstands and cartwheels, so it makes sense.

It isn't as hard for us since we homeschool, she can eat a nice big lunch around 2:30 and a snack at 3:30, but the girls that are in school all day are like many of your girls, they get home, change and are in the car to drive to practice within a very short time. That snack break came in handy for them to refuel.
My DD is one who is in school all day before practice. In fact, I pick her up after school, we go by Grandma's house to change and we're off to the gym. But, she can eat a lot on the 40 minutes drive and has never had a problem. She usually has a piece of cheese and some fruit and maybe some crackers.

As for the situation of disclosure at your gym, have you asked the coaches about it? I'm wondering if they just didn't want to get into explaining about time constraints and extra rotations with the girls. Or maybe the girls misunderstood. If you're that concerned about it, you should ask. I'm sure there's a logical explanation (famous last words, I know).
I don't see why gyms do away with snack breaks. Sure, I can see not allowing "messy" food in the gym or if a team doesn't clean up, then take some action. During the summer, my gymmie practices for 5 hours and they do have a snack break---also used as a general potty break/whatever time. Its maybe 10 minutes. IMO, if you have coaches and gymnasts in there for 4 or more hours, everyone needs a break---coaches and gymnasts.

During the school year, my gymmie(like many others) goes straight from school to gym. By the time she starts practice at 3:30, it may have already been 4 hours or more since lunch----and how many of us really believe our kids eat all of their lunch??? By the time she's done practice its 7:30 and that means eating something at home will be around 8. Yes, sometimes she'll munch some fruit or eat some yogurt on the way from school to gym, but doesn't like to eat too much. They do get a 10 minute break to get a snack after conditioning and at least 1 event. Water breaks are somewhat controlled---as in they can't go running for their water bottles every 5 minutes.

I have to wonder what message(in a subtle way) gyms that simply say no snacks are sending to girls who are in a sport where weight can easily become an issue. I'm not saying any coach is doing anything deliberately, but it could be interpreted that way by a few girls----we/I can't have snacks, maybe the coach thinks we/I look fat.
My dd's gym does have snack time, and as another poster mentioned I think it's as much for the coaches as the girls. It is 10 minutes or so and the girls all break together. Coaches and gymmies. They take a amall snack and the coahes are right there so it better be healthy, my dd typically takes grapes, crackers or something small like that. Sunflower kernals are also a current favorite.

I haven't heard of any problems with messes, but the girls cubbies are right at the side of the gym floor so they are pretty well supervised. And they all know that head coach would not be happy if they left a mess.

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