WAG Does your gymnast do any kind of additional training outside of the gym?

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No, not this year. Last year she took ballet and hip hop, but no time this year (went from l5 to l7). No additional training other than whatever activity we may do for fun (bike riding, swimming etc).
In all seriousness though, DD is at 16hr/wk and will likely be shifting to 20 this summer. The only scheduled activity is church youth group stuff that she does every other week and leaves practice early to attend, which really helps to ensure her priorities don't get out of whack :)
Not for gymnastics. She likes distance running and has done the C25K training program, followed by a handful of 5K races. It's fun for her and for our family.
I don't really do much additional training outside of team practice, I take a tumbling class at my gym on Saturdays and walk on the treadmill or do some conditioning on off days. I really cherish my free time now that I have something going on every day of the week! Between gymnastics, acting, and church I have no idea how I'd get my homework done if I was in public school!
No extra conditioning outside gym, except if she is recovering from injury and needs physical therapy. I personally would also not encourage her to do additional conditioning. The only thing I may encourage her to do if she is interested is to take dance.
I remember just being plum exhausted whenever I wasn't in the gym...I'd come home from practice or school and just be absorbed into the couch...in the long term I think it hurt my social development and ability to make choices for myself. . I wish I'd had a more normal adolescence, and I'm trying to catch up now and learn those skills and the ability to relax. But I'm not sure I'd do anything differently if I had the chance to do it again.

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