WAG Double twisting double layout

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You don't see them a lot in competition. There's very few people who can even do them and its always risky for those who can.

Although there is one guy, Ri Jong Song, that used to compete a triple double and (I think) a quad twist in the same routine. It's pretty crazy :p

And I agree, if you look back 40 years ago, you were dang good on floor if you competed a double back. Imagine what we'll see in another 50 years. :)

it wasn't Song who did the quad twist. it's the kid from Japan. although Song did compete the triple double.:)
My bad, it's Kohe that did the quad.
But yeah Jong Song has the triple double named after him. It's nuts :p

I wonder if he's ever done a quad double into a pit or something. We might be doing miller pluses on floor one day yet! Haha.
What is the point of the double twisting double layout? It is the same value as the Silvas and it is way harder! Only 2 gymnasts are competing it at this point. Moors and Skinner. So why don't they just compete the Silvas instead? R they waiting for worlds to let it be named after them?

the skill is submitted to the FIG technical committee. just when they will change the code is up to them. you can be sure that when they do change it, the layout double double will be rated higher than the tuck.
So it may not be in 4 years when they change it again
no. the technical committee will meet before worlds. i would expect it will be changed then.:)

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