MAG DS scared to do his handstand on p-bars

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Jul 12, 2012
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He has all his events ready for the season except...he is scared to do his handstand on the big pbars. He has it down on the lower practice bars but is petrified to do it on high p-bars without a spot. Is this a common fear for level 5 boys?
Here's what I remember - 1st year L5 (6/7 yo) almost hit HS was afraid to go all the way up and balance alone on the high pbars. 2nd year L5 (7/8 yo) would hit HS but not always hold bc he was afraid of going over. This summer he is consistently holding it for extended times (record is 30 seconds). So it's been a slow and steady path. Hope that helps you.
I agree. From what I remember, that seemed to be the first scary skill. D said you are upside down staring straight at the floor, and that is scary. It took a while for him to feel comfortable, and that involved learning to fall out of it. He will get more confident as he works it, but it is a slow steady path!
Has he learned the roll out? DS was plugging away while still a L4 and hit a handstand and nearly had an ugly crash. At the very next practice, their coach spent a lot of time teaching them all how to roll out of an overbalanced HS, but the poor little guy got spooked and never hit a HS again for the rest of the season. During the L5 season, they kept working on those rolls and two of them successfully and safely did it in a meet rather than crashing. I think as they gained confidence in their ability to roll out instinctively, they got a LOT more comfortable going for the HS. But one of the guys had a real block on it for a while.
Thanks all! This helps. I know about all the normal blocks for WAG but have a lot to learn about MAG:)
I remember my son looking at me with REAL terror in his eyes, telling me he was afraid he would DIE if he went over on his handstands.....

He is fine now.

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