Exactly….and well said
I don't think the purpose is to ACTUALLY keep an unhappy athlete at your gym for another year regardless of their feelings. No one wants that. It is more so that the family takes the commitment seriously and is not so easily lured into the "grass is greener" type thinking.
4thelove, what legal things are you talking about? I've never heard anything like that.
Eek…why the hate towards Geddert?? I don't work there or have any affiliation with him, but he is an absolutely tremendous coach who has done great things for USAG and the training of coaches. His athletes are phenomenal. I've been to his gym several times for training purposes and heard nothing but positive verbal treatment towards all of the athletes. Not sure where you heard such a rumor.
Sounds like you have a personal issue with Geddert's. Jordyn Wieber grew up in his gym, and their newest elite, Delanie Harkness, is not a transplant either. They obviously know how to coach! I wouldn't say that that many of his upper levels came from other gyms at high levels - plus, once you get to a certain level in gymnastics, your gym choices become slimmer as you need to be somewhere with the coaching ability and equipment to to do Level 9 and up. Regardless, as I said above, the 1 yr commitment is more for making sure the family is committed and not ready to jump ship at the first tough moment for greener grass. It forces them to actually talk to the coaches and figure out what the problem is, which I'm sure oftentimes fixes the problem. Not sure how you figure that it's all about money….if any of us coaches wanted money, we be in a different profession.
I don't think the statement that Geddert has many transplants was meant to be a dig at his coaching ability. It's just a fact that he has a lot of transplants. That happened because his gym has a good reputation for getting good results and sending kids off to college on scholorship. That said, being a good coach doesn't mean the person can't also be a dbag.