Parents Emma and back handsprings

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Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
Emma did TWO back handsprings tonight. :) I am so proud of her. You all know her struggle with this skill! :) Here is the video. Her coach had her try them on the floor too, but with a spot first. Emma has made huge steps in the last 2 months. She is so proud of herself.
YouTube - Two back hand springs first attempt
Thank you. She just got the ROBHS by herself on the floor about a month ago. She had fear issues with it for a year. Her coaches have worked really hard with her and have been very patient. Tonight was the first time for 2 bhs by herself. :) She is so happy! I love seeing her so proud of herself.
Congrats to Emma! That is awesome. She must be so happy and proud.
YAY Emma! My DD struggles with this too...I understand how hard it is to watch them struggle.

Emma's BHS's looked nice and quick! My DD's can be sooooo sloooooow that you think she is just going to stop in mid air, LOL...(she is actually making lots of progress and getting much better, too!)

Congrats to her and thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you! :) It has been a long struggle to over come the fear.But she did it!

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