Parents Exciting news and meet results

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Well Amber had a big day. Today she competed by herself while her team mates competed before her. She missed the age cut off by 2 months. Anyway.....
Beam-8.6 needed a spot for the mount
Vault-8.9 not her best
Floor 8.3 she put her knee down on the backwards roll and got marked as a fall but the routine was awsome.
Bars-6.3 needed a spot on her skills. i think she did too many practice routines..she was tired.

overall 32.00

So her coach comes up to me and says she is moving her up to level 3 starting tuesday.her best friend is moving up also. She will continue to compete level 2 until the season is over.She is thrilled.
It sounds like she had a off day, but good enough that her coach wants her too start traing next level. Great Job
Medic - that is great. Congrat's to Amber on a good meet and moving to L3.

dd had her worst meet to date today. She improved on floor but had her worst scores on all others. we knew she was not back in full yet from flu and missing a full week of gym. But she had an awesome handstand on beam :D then fell off after split leap :eek: did 2 back hip circles on bar (cast so high that she went around twice!!).

She has another meet next weekend so - hopefully it will go better.

Amber will enjoy L3 (except for maybe the mill cirlcle on bars). Again Congrats
Way to go Amber and how exciting about moving up to level 3. I am always on cloud 9 when my girls get moved up a level or get knew skills so I know how proud you must be:)
Sounds like a good meet too:) Congratulations Amber all around:)
Congratulations to Amber! She must be thrilled to be moving up!


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