extra conditioning ??????

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hey i was wondering if any gymnast out there do extra conditioning at home besides going to gymnastics ???
if yes what level are you and how much conditioning do you do ???
During the summer holidays our club doesn't train. So I did about an hour to an hour and a half of strength and flex every day (for 9-10 weeks!).
During the year I usually do it just one or two days a week depending on when I have time, because when I am not training I am coaching.
I am level 10 (about level 8 in the US) and I train 7 hours at gym a week.
If you want I can give you a copy of the stuff I do at home.....

During the summer holidays our club doesn't train. So I did about an hour to an hour and a half of strength and flex every day (for 9-10 weeks!).
During the year I usually do it just one or two days a week depending on when I have time, because when I am not training I am coaching.
I am level 10 (about level 8 in the US) and I train 7 hours at gym a week.
If you want I can give you a copy of the stuff I do at home.....

thank you that would be great
Extra Training.

My DD does an extra conditioning program over the Summer with an outfit called Crossfit. Made her much stronger and they adjusted to gymnastics form/needs.

Every nite my DD gets her "toes stretched" because she has a huge genetic predisposition to flex feet! Lol:D

She is 10 yrs old. L7.
This is what I do at home. You don't need anything except some room (and a chair, and I have a mat and an exercise/swiss ball that I use also). Let me know if you don't understand what something is!

set 1
Dish – upper body lifts x 15, lower body lifts x 15, “dish upsâ€￾ x 15, hold x 30 seconds, rocks x 15
Side – upper body lifts x 15, lower body lifts x 15, arch ups x 15, hold x 30 seconds, rocks x 15
Arch – upper body lifts x 15, lower body lifts x 15, arch ups x 15, hold x 30 seconds, rocks x 15
Side – upper body lifts x 15, lower body lifts x 15, arch ups x 15, hold x 30 seconds, rocks x 15
Back support x 30 seconds x 2
Front support x 30 seconds x 2

set 2
Press handstands x 5
Handstand hold x 30 seconds x 2
Pike to handstand x 10

set 3
V-snap rolls x 15
L sit-ups
V-snaps x 20
Sit ups x 20
Prone Leg lifts x 20
Side sit ups/crunches

set 4
Calf raises x 25, 15, 15, 25
Standing Leg lifts x 20, hold x 20
Wall sit with ball x 30 seconds + 20 squats
Single leg squats x 10
Hamstring curls x 20

set 5
Shoulder rocks x 10
Push ups x 20
Vertical push-ups x10
Tricep push-ups x 10
Dips x 20

Plus stretches and splits etc

Sometimes for something different I use my FitDeck (FitDeck Exercise Playing Cards - - I have the body weight one which is the only one I have seen in australia Link Removed) or I go to the park near my house which has an "exer-site" with benches and bars etc for doing strength and fitness training and that way I can do stuff like chin-ups etc that I can't do at home
At lower levels I encourage it. By the time they hit optionals, they probably don't have a lot of free time at home. Better they just rest and relax and get their homework done.
It is hard to believe that any of you in optional level has time too condition at home. I know that my DD is level 7 and has about 15 free minutes a day to do her own thing. Between practice, school, and church, there is truly no time for anything else. Maybe we are just not good time managers.
No way here! My dd does nothing relating to gymnastics on her days off. She really doesn't even talk about it. And, she's one of those gymnasts that loves having an extra day off practice for some unexpected reason such as snow conditions. I guess she's more of a normal free-spirited teenager than a gymnast...maybe that why she only competes high school. But, she gets conditioning during the off season with other sports, which is probably good for her.
I used to do, pretty much every day, this:
press ups
tricep dips
chin ups
shulder shrug things on chin up bar
v sits
dish hold
arch hold
back swimmers
heel raises
and then flexibility. doesn't take as long as it sounds

I go through phases of doing it. If i have something to work towards in gym, be it a competition or just a new move, i'll condition like mad.
I do about 4 hours of cardio a week...some running, some videos like p90x and sometimes just random routines I make up...It helps with being able to last through a whole practice, but I also find i get a little overtired sometimes, especially when school is crazy...I also do 60 pushups, 50 rockers each way, 100 mountin climbers, 100 frog jumps and 10 presses every day I don't have gym...I'm level 6 and train 16 hours a week
hey i was wondering if any gymnast out there do extra conditioning at home besides going to gymnastics ???
if yes what level are you and how much conditioning do you do ???

My DD does. In addition to the 4 hour mandentory Optional day of training (LOL they call it optional but for L6 and up its mandantory)

They have an at home conditioning sheet that they are to do on the days theyl don't have gym and any vacations. Just requires a chin up bar and some 2 lb hand weights. If I could find where DD put her sheet I could tell you exactly what is on it. I know there is somthing she does holding the weights and bending at the knees in a sort of lunge position. there are push ups, V ups, Handstand push ups, several positions for the chin ups, Splits and straddles and other stretches. Basicly the warm up stuff they do at the gym

it takes her about 45 min to go through it and they want her to try to do it 2x a day when she is on vacation or any time they are not at the gym.
I do conditioning every day for 30 min. each time. Each gymnast in my team has a different conditioning program, but they tend to be harder when you are not preparing for competition season. Generally we all do 7 of these options: 10 bench/army presses, 15 toe raises, 10 leg raises, 1 climb rope, 10 lat. pulls and other random conditioning. We usually do our 7 items 4-5 times in a half hour. I'm a level 6/7 and I work out 12 hours a week. But everyone from level 4-9 follows this program.

I am a level 7/8 and i go 10 hours aweek. I do a ton of conditioning at home! But I also have a lot of extra time because I am home schooled. I usaully do the following.

50 push ups
100 sit ups
10 presses
20 handstand holds for 10 seconds each
hollow and super girl holds 1 min. each
50 mountian climbers
50 frog jumps
25 curls with 5 pound weights

I do a lot more then that but that should give you a good start. I also do a lot of stretches.
My daughter does conditioning on the days she doesn't have practice, but I have been concerned about hurting her muscles by working them everyday. I have always heard you should do major muscle workout only every other day. Any thoughts on this?
I just competed level 6, train 16hrs a week during the season, 18hrs now, will be a seven next year. i TRY to run once a week... sit in a split occaisionally while watching T.V. and if we have a break or i go on vacation i try to do some conditioning. easy stuff... like sit ups,arch/hollow rocks, handstands, push ups, calf raises, etc... but i dont really have a thing. we already do enough at practice
I WISH! I do extra over break but right now I don't have much time! When I did over spring break I got so strong and my form improved so much! I'm hoping to do a lot over the summer! I do leg lifts, chin ups, pull ups (on a bar in my doorframe), chin holds, and running, and I also try to do as many sit-ups as I can - one time I even did 1000! I'm USAIGC Bronze level :) first season, just moved up from the depressingly easy level to this level; it was quite a jump! But conditioning helps EVERYTHING! It really does!
Honestly I could only get behind conditioning at home for two reasons: A 'problem' area that could use more attention, or time away from the gym. Rest is just as important to athletes physically. You repair and show gains with time off between workouts. Stretching on the other hand, I'm all for doing any old time!
I do, but it tends to be a bit sporadic. I usually work on the things I find difficult. Here's what I've been doing lately:

V-ups (2-3 sets of 20)
Hollow holds (as long as I can- generally 30 seconds to a minute)
Pushups (5 sets of 20, I fail at pushups)
Handstands (as long as I can hold them, as many as I want)
Calf raises (2 sets of 30)

Stuff I use my chinup bar for (the bar is metal with foam parts that are falling to bits, so it's hard to hang on too):

Leg lifts (as many as I can with good form, usually about 7-10)
Chinups (3 sets of 5, I have weak arms lol)

I'm level 5 and I go 9 hours a week.
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Between school, being in the gym 20 hours/week(training L9) and having a limited social life, my gymmie does little or no extra conditioning nor do I expect her to.

I'll see her sitting in splits while doing her homework or doing some gentle stretching, but I think its more "habit" and not really any planned work out.
im a level 5 (australia) and train from 10-15 hours a week. we used to have conditioning books which we were given conditioning we had to do and filled in some ourselfs, had reflections from training and coach looked them over once a week. we dropped that as some girls had been nasty about it. but it was a very good system.
on every day i dont gym it, i have two programs which i choose from:
50 dips on low beam
20 tricep pushups
15 handstand shrugs
30 v snaps
30 crunches
20 dish ups
100 dish rocks
20 candlestick but ups
20 leg raises
30sec mountain climbers
25each heel raises
20 leg half squats on toes
oversplits each leg 2minutes


- 2x stair runs
- 10x sit ups
- 2x stair runs
- 10x fish flops
- 2x stair runs
- 10x squats
- 2x stair runs
- 10x modified dips on the edge of your bed
- 2x stair runs
- 10x push ups
- 2x stair runs
- 10x V-snaps
- 2x stair runs
- 10x burpees (tuck/pushup)
- 2minutes oversplits each leg
(if you dont have stairs, 40seconds running on a mattress)

i dont condition at home as much around comp season, but school holidays i usually do both each day.
for those 'without time' think about 10 pushups everytime you _____ e.g. open the fridge. i love running as well.


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