Parents First meet this season!

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my L9 competition season- its going okay.

My first meet was alright for being my first level 9 meet, but not up to my standards. I was trying to fully hit handstand in my bail and slipped and fell forward. My poor parents nearly had a heart attack. Then my clear hip hs to dismount was off and I almost fell on the dismount. The rest of the meet was not great either- I fell on my beam series and couldn't do my dismount because I ended up being to close to the edge of the beam on my roundoff and wrenched my ankle badly. Had a not fabulous floor went out of bounds, big hops on landings- but did an okay, although purposely overrotated vault to save my ankle.

Then I was sick for the second meet of the season, skipped it, and then the third most recent meet had much improvement but still not where I wanted it to be. I didn't fall on beam, nailed my series, but wobbled and grabbed the back of my legs on my full turn of all things, and because of my ankle only did a roundoff tuck dismount. I did stay in bounds on my floor but it was watered down. I also completed an alright bar routine, although my bail did not hit handstand. Vault was a bit better, only a tiny step on landing.

I now have a long break in between meets and will work on completely healing my ankle, which is getting better, and, of course, consistency.
Just wanted to let you know that even though your meets aren’t going up to your standards, your gyms level 4s, 5s and especially baby optional 6s are so excited to see you compete or hear about how you did.

My daughter, who is not very social lol, begged me to bring her back to the convention center the day after she competed so she could watch our level 9, who then hung out with her. My daughter and her friend were SO much more excited for her like 7.2 bar routine than she was, she was like no it’s not good and they were like noo it’s the most amazing thing ever. I heard more about her meet than I did about my own kids :)

Don’t be too hard on yourself!!
I have found as my daughter moved up in levels, the events I can watch comfortably went down, until now I’m at none. Lol. It used to be only beam that made me nervous. Then bars around level 7. Level 8 added vault. And level 9 killed floor for me. They all seem dangerous and scary to watch now!
I knew the 1st time I saw DD practice her back tuck on beam that I was in for a bumpy ride!! If I only knew that was just the tip of the iceberg!! I don’t breathe when she competes…like at all.
First meet is about a month away! First debut as a senior elite. I’m excited and anxious.
Nothing to report here. lol. Mine missed her first meet due to covid exposure, but even if we had gone, she wouldn't have competed anyway because she didn't make any of her numbers during practice. She's still struggling coming back from injury and just being ready. On bars and beam, she has all of her skills to have a 10.0 start value and can do them all individually, but struggles to put them together in a routine (endurance is lacking). Vault is ok, but not sure her coach will let her compete it if she doesn't get it more open (still too pikey). And floor she probably won't compete all season thanks to her ankle. She does have a meet this weekend that we are going to, but it's entirely possible she doesn't compete at it. This is a hard season. :(
Good news maybe? She’s on track to compete beam and maybe bars this weekend. Or at least her practice numbers are looking good so she might be able to. It’ll probably come down to how she warms up. AND she had her last PT appointment today and is cleared to start adding floor skills back, which is good news! :)
I knew the 1st time I saw DD practice her back tuck on beam that I was in for a bumpy ride!! If I only knew that was just the tip of the iceberg!! I don’t breathe when she competes…like at all.
First meet is about a month away! First debut as a senior elite. I’m excited and anxious.
I can’t even imagine! I literally haven’t watched beam live since level 7. I get someone to record it and hide in the bathroom.
I knew the 1st time I saw DD practice her back tuck on beam that I was in for a bumpy ride!! If I only knew that was just the tip of the iceberg!! I don’t breathe when she competes…like at all.
First meet is about a month away! First debut as a senior elite. I’m excited and anxious.
Is she going to the national team camp this month? Let us know how it goes!
DD was super upset with her first meet this season. She completed last year as a XB and is now competing very hard XS routines (her and one other girl should have been gold except for one or two skills they didn’t have yet) I’m pretty sure she also missed her cast and her connection in the first tumbling pass, so she’s really disappointed. (She had an issue with the pass the first weeks she was learning and since cleaned it up, but it showed up again). She went through and looked for her deductions and has been working on what she knows she can fix. She’s also switched to the other vault (which looks so much better. The coach just didn’t want her doing it). Her next meet it Saturday morning and I think she’s going to do really well. She’s aiming to bump her score up from a 36.35 to a 38.1 (I think she’s a little over ambitious here but she knows her limits) She’s gone and checked out her competition and she is a little worried though.
My daughter had her first meet of the season last week after moving over from the Xcel program to L5 and has new coaches this season. Overall, she did really well with a few errors on beam which took her down at least a full point. Overall, her score would qualify her for state, however, this meet was out of state.

I always treat the first meet of the season as a baseline. We will look at both the positives and the areas of improvement as opportunities and keep her encouraged.
DD is in T&T, but they don't have a T&T subboard anymore. So I'll reply here.

She does all 3 events. Level 8 for tumbling. And debuting this year level 9 for Double Mini and Trampoline.

First meet her level 8 passes looked really good for tumbling. And she even had a couple coaches come over to her and her coach and tell her she's ready for level 9. So now she's all about upgrading her passes. On trampoline she did her double back in warm ups. But lost her nerve for the pass in competition. Her first pass was great. For Double Mini she stuck both passes, including her double back!

Second meet was a lot harder and against a lot more competition. She got 3rd place for her flight for tumbling, and 3rd place for her flight for double mini (and she got her mobilization score). And she attempted her double back in competition on Tramp. So lots of really big steps! She's thrilled with her progress!
My DD is competing Xcel Bronze for the second year and it’s been so fun to see how she changed in a years’ time. Her routine is more challenging this year but she’s scoring well (for her) and she’s had higher placements so far as well. She just got her ROBHS and she competed it for the first time last weekend!

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