Proud Parent
- May 11, 2020
- 393
- 577
Just wanted to let you know that even though your meets aren’t going up to your standards, your gyms level 4s, 5s and especially baby optional 6s are so excited to see you compete or hear about how you L9 competition season- its going okay.
My first meet was alright for being my first level 9 meet, but not up to my standards. I was trying to fully hit handstand in my bail and slipped and fell forward. My poor parents nearly had a heart attack. Then my clear hip hs to dismount was off and I almost fell on the dismount. The rest of the meet was not great either- I fell on my beam series and couldn't do my dismount because I ended up being to close to the edge of the beam on my roundoff and wrenched my ankle badly. Had a not fabulous floor went out of bounds, big hops on landings- but did an okay, although purposely overrotated vault to save my ankle.
Then I was sick for the second meet of the season, skipped it, and then the third most recent meet had much improvement but still not where I wanted it to be. I didn't fall on beam, nailed my series, but wobbled and grabbed the back of my legs on my full turn of all things, and because of my ankle only did a roundoff tuck dismount. I did stay in bounds on my floor but it was watered down. I also completed an alright bar routine, although my bail did not hit handstand. Vault was a bit better, only a tiny step on landing.
I now have a long break in between meets and will work on completely healing my ankle, which is getting better, and, of course, consistency.
My daughter, who is not very social lol, begged me to bring her back to the convention center the day after she competed so she could watch our level 9, who then hung out with her. My daughter and her friend were SO much more excited for her like 7.2 bar routine than she was, she was like no it’s not good and they were like noo it’s the most amazing thing ever. I heard more about her meet than I did about my own kids

Don’t be too hard on yourself!!