Depends on your style!
Personally, I absolutely love "Bolero" from the closing credits of Moulin Rogue. Perfect for a floor routine. Very dramatic

And it's great for editing because there are tons of different sections of the song that give you a lot of room to play around. It starts out slow and eerie, and then it sort of builds up into this huge orchestral chorus. Listen to the whole thing!!
YouTube - Moulin Rouge?Closing Credits?Bolero
Also from Moulin Rouge, I love Tango de Roxanne. Unfortunately it has words, but it has been cut for people to use before... Here's the edited, lyric-free version.
YouTube - More tango floor musiccc
I love the Peter Gunn theme. Considered that for my level 7 floor but then decided to go with something peppier and more upbeat. Kinda regret it now, as my style has changed.
YouTube - Blues Brothers - Peter Gunn Theme