Hi Gymgrl111,
Wanted to let you know that we did get your message and we're looking into creating a similar type of music for our catalog. Sorry I didn't get back to you quicker. We were getting ready to go to Circle of Stars in Indy, which was great fun.
I'd like to make you aware that the person who posted the YouTube video doesn't have the right to give you permission to use this music, unless they created it. Downloading other people's music for free isn't the right thing to do. I know a lot of people do it, but it's not okay in most cases.
I don't know who created that music, but let's say a company like mine created it. If one person buys it, but then gives it to a bunch of other people for them to use, it's the same as those people stealing from us. And unfortunately, if that happens enough, we can't stay in business and create great floor music for you because we have to make a living to stay in business.
Legally, when you buy a song, you don't own the song. You just own the right to use it for your own personal use. That's why downloading from sharing sites is illegal.
Hope that doesn't sound mean or anything. I just think it's good info for everyone to know.
Thanks everyone,